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The door chimed in Seojin's tteokbokki place, a melody immediately overshadowed by the symphony of flutters in Chaeyoung's chest as Mina entered. Chaeyoung darted a glance at the door, and as if on cue, a blush bloomed across her cheeks, blossoming like the cherry blossoms she used to chase as a child.

Instinctively, she rose from her seat, her back straightening in an awkward bow that sent a ripple of surprised giggles through Mina, "Oh, no. Don't bow."

Mina reached out, her fingers brushing against Chaeyoung's arm in a fleeting touch that sent a jolt through Chaeyoung's entire being. It was a spark, a current running beneath her skin, igniting a warmth that spread from the point of contact throughout her body.

Chaeyoung's mind reeled. Sure, she'd always admired girls, even before she could quite understand the fluttering in her stomach whenever she saw someone pretty. But this, this felt different. This felt like a kaleidoscope exploding behind her eyes, the world around her dissolving into a vibrant blur except for Mina standing there, the very essence of beauty and kindness. Gosh, Mina was so pretty, Chaeyoung thought, the words a silent prayer in her heart. Every detail, from the way the light caught the soft strands of her hair to the gentle curve of her lips, seemed to glow with an ethereal light. Chaeyoung felt a strange mix of exhilaration and terror. This newfound awareness, this awakening, was both exhilarating and terrifying, a beautiful, fluttering bird trapped for so long, finally taking flight.

"Where's eomma?" Mina asked.

The world snapped back into focus, the vibrant kaleidoscope of Mina dissolving back into the familiar lines of Seojin's tteokbokki haven. Mina's question, laced with a hint of amusement, yanked Chaeyoung back from the precipice of her daydream.

"Wh-where's eomma?" Mina repeated, tilting her head slightly. The question, so simple, felt monumental in the charged atmosphere. Chaeyoung felt a bead of sweat trickle down her temple, the heat not entirely from the spicy tteokbokki.

"H-huh?" Chaeyoung stammered again, the single syllable a pathetic excuse for an answer. Her voice, once barely a whisper, had now dipped into a register only dogs could appreciate.

Mina's laughter, light and melodic, washed over Chaeyoung, a cool wave against the rising tide of fluster, "Never mind, I'll just head to the kitchen."

Mina tapped Chaeyoung's shoulder, and the girl couldn't help but steal another glance. The way Mina's hair framed her face, the way her eyes seemed to hold a universe of unspoken emotions - it was all too much, both terrifying and exhilarating in equal measure.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Chaeyoung mumbled as Mina disappeared into the kitchen.

The aroma of roasting sesame seeds tickled Mina's nose as she tiptoed into the kitchen, the sound of rhythmic chopping providing a counterpoint. "Eomma!" she chirped, wrapping her arms around Seojin's waist in a surprise hug.

Seojin yelped, startled but the surprise quickly melted into a warm smile. "Minari? Why are you here so late? Did you bring Jeongyeon?"

Mina hummed noncommittally, her face nuzzling Seojin's shoulder. "Football practice ran long," she mumbled. Stepping back, she added with a hint of shyness, "Actually, eomma, could you teach me how to make gyudon properly?"

Seojin chuckled, the sound rich and full like the simmering broth she must be tending to. "Why the sudden interest? Trying to impress someone?" A playful glint entered her eyes, but it was quickly followed by a teasingly stern look. "Minari, you're still young, huh."

Mina's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. Jeongyeon. Oh gosh, Jeongyeon. It did feel taboo, having feelings like these for someone you grew up practically as sisters with, bound by the Yoo family's guardianship. But Mina pushed the thought away. She had a boyfriend, technically. "Eomma, it's for Jeongyeon's birthday," she blurted. "I want to cook something special for her seventeenth."

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