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Mina shook her head, chuckling softly as she meticulously applied a coat of lip tint to her lips. In the background, she couldn't help but overhear Jeongyeon's unmistakably loud voice, fervently begging for another piece of egg, while Jeongyeon's mom stood her ground with a persistent refusal

"Seungyeon and Seoyeon have gone to college now, it's just me and Mina, why can't I have another egg?" Jeongyeon continued as Mina appeared in the kitchen.

Jeongyeon halted in her tracks, fixing an intense gaze on Mina, her eyes narrowing as they were drawn to the attention-grabbing shade of red adorning Mina's lips.

"Yah! Mina! Take that lipstick off of your lips. Does entering highschool gives you the right to put lipstick on? Take that off! Take that off!" Jeongyeon scolded, as the younger girl occupied the seat beside her.

"Why would I?" Mina replied sassily, then grabbed another piece of egg.

"Woah! Eomma! Did you see that? Mina's being rude to her eonnie. Yah! Minari-"

"Ah, Jeongyeon, close that mouth of yours and start eating," Seojin, Jeongyeon's mom, interjected, then deftly placed a succulent piece of beef on both children's plates.

Mina simply shrugged, gracefully slicing her remaining egg in half before placing one of the halves on Jeongyeon's plate, a silent gesture of camaraderie

Jeongyeon fixed a perplexed gaze on the egg, her brows furrowing in thought, and then she turned her attention toward the younger girl beside her before eventually taking a bite of the egg that Mina had generously placed on her plate.

The younger girl smiled and resumed eating.

She considered herself fortunate to have the Yoo family by her side, and her heart swelled with gratitude for being a cherished part of their lives.

The Yoo family wasn't affluent; they were a hardworking, modest family making ends meet. With two daughters attending college, they faced significant financial challenges.

Their father, Yoo Chang-joon, had been tirelessly working day and night as a taxi driver, while their mother, Seojin, managed a small teokbokki restaurant at the local market, both putting in immense effort to support their family

Seoyeon, the eldest daughter, was in her final year at college, studying Economics at Seoul National University. The Yoo family held immense pride in her achievements. Mina, personally, looked up to the brilliant older sister, aspiring to follow in her footsteps and attend Seoul National University one day.

Seongyeon, the second daughter, is also an architecture student in Hanyang University. Mina loves Seongyeon, she's the sweetest of all the Yoo siblings. She could still remember how Seongyeon used to tuck her to sleep and read her bed time stories while Jeongyeon whines.

And then the youngest Yoo. Yoo Jeongyeon. How could she even describe the girl. Well, she's pretty chaotic, she loves to complain, she's the most likely to be scolded, yet she's the one who loves the most, or the most showy out of all the Yoo sisters, especially when it comes to their parents. She's also Mina's most beloved enemy, not that they're actually enemies, it's just that since their age are close they are the ones that quarrel the most, yet they are the ones who understood each other well. Jeongyeon loves to tease her, but has always been her biggest protector. Since the girl is a football player, Jeongyeon is pretty athletic and strong, boys are quickly intimidated by her, and that's why Mina relies on her so much.

So how and why did she became a part of the Yoo family?

It is a bit complicated, and tragic.

Mr. Yoo, Jeongyeon's father used to be one of Mina's father's most trusted people. Mr. Yoo was their family driver, she have known the man ever since she was a toddler. She heard Mr. Yoo worked for them right after his first daughter was born.

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