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The crisp autumn air of Seoul sent a shiver down Jeongyeon's spine as she stepped out of the subway station. She clutched her backpack tighter, a nervous excitement bubbling in her stomach. Today was the day she'd finally be visiting Nayeon at Seoul National University Med School.

The Med school is a little farther than where they reside, which is in Songpu district. The additional travel time only intensified the anticipation gnawing at Jeongyeon.  As she rounded a corner, the grand entrance of Seoul National University came into view. Jeongyeon stopped, momentarily awestruck. The sun glinted off the towering stone structure, its grandeur a testament to the prestigious institution it housed. A sense of pride bloomed in her chest. Nayeon was already thriving in this academic colossus.

The football player quickly grabbed her school ID as she crossed the street and proceeded to the school's entrance.

After sorting some visitation documents, Jeongyeon is finally able to get to the university, and she felt the felt dwarfed by the towering buildings and the throngs of students rushing past, their faces etched with a mix of determination and youthful energy. The air crackled with a sense of purpose, a stark contrast to the laid-back atmosphere of her own high school.

Finally, after a few wrong turns and frantic map consultations, Jeongyeon found the building housing Nayeon's dorm. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her jacket and pushed open the door, anticipation thrumming through her veins.

The dorm lobby was a hive of activity, freshmen hauling suitcases and chattering excitedly. Jeongyeon scanned the room, feeling a flicker of unease. How would she find Nayeon in this sea of unfamiliar faces?

Just then, a familiar laugh echoed across the room. Jeongyeon's heart leaped in her chest as she spotted Nayeon rushing towards her, a beaming smile lighting up her face.

"Jeongyeon!" Nayeon exclaimed, throwing her arms around Jeongyeon in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you made it!"

The scent of Nayeon's shampoo filled Jeongyeon's senses, a comforting reminder of home. She hugged Nayeon back, feeling a surge of warmth melt away her nervousness.

"How was the train ride?" Nayeon asked, pulling back and taking Jeongyeon's hand.

"Long," Jeongyeon admitted with a laugh, "but definitely worth it."  She squeezed Nayeon's hand, her touch lingering a beat longer than necessary.

Nayeon blushed a charming shade of pink, a playful glint in her eyes.  "Come on, let me show you around my dorm," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.  She reached for Jeongyeon's hand, their fingers intertwining as they set off down a maze of sterile white corridors.

The rows of identical doors seemed intimidatingly unfamiliar, but Jeongyeon felt safe with Nayeon by her side.  Nayeon's dorm room was small but meticulously organized. Posters of their favorite KPop idols adorned the walls, adding a splash of personality to the space. A precarious stack of medical textbooks threatened to topple over on the tiny desk, a testament to Nayeon's early struggles.

"It's not much," Nayeon said apologetically, "but it's home for now."

Jeongyeon's gaze swept over the room, a sense of pride swelling within her. This was Nayeon's space, her first step towards achieving her dreams. Nayeon might downplay it, but Jeongyeon saw the dedication etched on her face.

"It's perfect," Jeongyeon said sincerely. "I can't wait to hear all about your classes."

Nayeon sighed and plopped down on her study chair, her initial excitement replaced by a weary slump. "It's pressuring, Jeongyeon," she confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of despair. "Med school is so much harder than I imagined.  There's this constant pressure to succeed, and sometimes I just want to give up."

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