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Jeongyeon squinted at her phone, the screen brightness struggling against the afternoon sun.  "Yep, this is it," she murmured, more to herself than the others.

Jihyo's breath caught in her throat. A gasp escaped her lips, barely a whisper, but enough to draw Jeongyeon's attention.  "Whoa," Jihyo finally managed, eyes wide. Mina, ever the picture of quiet grace, nonetheless mirrored Jihyo's sentiment with a stunned silence.

They stood before a sprawling estate nestled atop a gentle rise. An imposing grey wall snaked around the property, a modern fortress hinting at the wonders within.  Sunlight glinted off polished metal accents that peeked over the wall's crest, promising a house as sleek and stylish as Nayeon herself.

"Now I understand that glow," Jihyo breathed, stepping back for a better view. The house seemed to sprawl endlessly, each section blending seamlessly into the next. 

Curiosity gnawed at Mina.  "Are we sure this is it?" she finally asked, taking a hesitant step forward.  She peered over Jeongyeon's shoulder, straining to see the address on the phone's screen.

Jeongyeon shook her head, a hint of worry crinkling her brow. "No reply to my text, but the address matches."

Jihyo, ever the pragmatist, straightened her shoulders. "Only one way to find out, then."  With a decisive click, she rang the doorbell.  A soft chime echoed through the stillness, sending a shiver of anticipation down Jeongyeon's spine.

A collective breath hitched in their throats as the creak of a rusty gate shattered the hushed anticipation.

A woman, her face creased with a lifetime of stories etched by time, emerged. Her navy blue uniform, once crisp, now bore the gentle patina of countless washes and dedicated service. Her eyes, though wary, held a spark of amusement at the sight of the three figures huddled before her.

Jihyo, Mina, and Jeongyeon quickly bowed respectfully at the woman.

"Good afternoon, Miss. Uh, we would like to ask if-"

"Jeongyeon!" Nayeon called, her voice carrying the weight of a thousand suns. Sunlight glinted off her auburn hair, which cascaded down her shoulders in loose curls that framed her face like a halo. Her eyes, accentuated by the sharp lines of dark eyeliner, sparkled with mischief. The little black dress clung to her curves, a stark contrast to the housekeeper's utilitarian attire. It was a look that could disarm angels and leave mortals breathless.

Jeongyeon's breath caught in her throat. A soft gasp escaped her lips, barely audible over the pounding of her heart. Nayeon, effortlessly beautiful, radiated an aura that both captivated and flustered. In that moment, a kaleidoscope of emotions swirled within Jeongyeon.

Jihyo cleared her throat, the sound echoing awkwardly in the sudden silence. Beside her, Mina's fist clenched and unclenched at her side. Nayeon's arrival, a burst of sunshine in a sea of nervous anticipation, had shifted the dynamic in a heartbeat.

Nayeon beamed, her smile as radiant as ever. "Jihyo, Mina! How lovely to see you both." Her arms reached out, and Jihyo stepped forward readily for a hug. Mina, however, hesitated a beat too long, the warmth of Nayeon's embrace feeling distant compared to the inferno raging within her. The scent of Nayeon's perfume, a familiar comfort most days, now felt like an unwelcome intrusion, a reminder of everything Mina wasn't.

Jeongyeon watched the exchange, a silent observer in the storm of her own emotions. Nayeon, her girlfriend, stood there breathtaking as always. But across from her, Mina, bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, seemed to hold a different kind of beauty – a quiet strength that tugged at something deep within Jeongyeon.

Her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs. A familiar possessiveness flared for Nayeon, a fierce need to claim her place by her side. Yet, a traitorous voice whispered doubts. Was Nayeon truly the answer, or was Jeongyeon yearning for something more, something she couldn't quite define in the face of Mina's captivating presence?

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