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The February wind howled like a banshee outside the grimy football locker room, a stark contrast to the warmth radiating from Bambam's smug grin. He was surrounded by his teammates, all huddled around him like moths to a flame.

"Dude, you serious?" a lanky boy named Jackson gaped, his eyes wide with disbelief. "You actually kissed Mina? Yoo Jeongyeon's sister?"

Bambam puffed out his chest, pride brimming in his voice. "Not just kissed, hyung. Like, a real, proper kiss. You know, with tongue and everything."

The locker room erupted in a chorus of whistles and wolf calls. A couple of teammates nudged each other suggestively, their eyes gleaming with a mix of envy and amusement. Jeongyeon, who had just finished showering and putting her gym clothes after practice at the girl's side of the locker room, froze at the border of boy's locker room door. Her blood ran cold, a suffocating tightness constricting her chest.

A bitter taste flooded her mouth as Bambam continued, his voice laced with a hint of bravado. "She's, uh, way more responsive than I thought. Like, really into it." He threw his head back and laughed, a harsh, grating sound that scraped against Jeongyeon's already frayed nerves.

Jeongyeon hadn't known what Mina and Bambam do during their afternoon study session at Bambam's house. She doesn't even see her sister much anymore, and Mina, ever the private person, hadn't confided in her.

The image of Mina, the girl she'd known and cared for since childhood, being talked about in such a degrading way sent a primal surge of protectiveness through Jeongyeon. Fury, hot and raw, bubbled up within her, pushing aside the usual filter between her thoughts and actions.

Before she could even register what she was doing, Jeongyeon stormed into the boy's locker room, her face a mask of icy rage. The room fell silent, all eyes turning towards her. Bambam, mid-sentence, blinked at her in surprise.

"Jeongyeon?" he stammered, his bravado faltering under her withering glare.

Jeongyeon ignored him, her gaze fixated on the smug smirk still playing on his lips. The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them, laced with a venom she didn't know she possessed.

"Don't you dare talk about Mina like that," she snarled, her voice barely a growl. "She's not some trophy for you to brag about."

The locker room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. The playful atmosphere had vanished, replaced by a tense standoff. Bambam's face flushed crimson, a mixture of anger and humiliation contorting his features.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he spat, his voice tight with barely controlled fury.

Jeongyeon took a menacing step forward, the air crackling with unspoken tension. "It means you need to show her some respect," she hissed, her voice low and dangerous.

Before anyone could react, Jeongyeon lashed out. Her fist, propelled by a surge of pent-up anger, connected with Bambam's jaw with a sickening crunch. He stumbled back, a yelp escaping his lips, his hand flying up to cradle his throbbing jaw.

The locker room erupted in chaos. Jackson and the other teammates scrambled to their feet, shouting in surprise and confusion. Jeongyeon, her chest heaving, stood frozen for a moment, the weight of her actions settling in.

Shame and regret threatened to overwhelm her, but then she saw Bambam, his face contorted in pain and fury, glare at her. A spark of defiance ignited within her.

"Maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand," she shot back, her voice trembling slightly but her chin held high.

Jeongyeon didn't wait for a response. With a final, withering look at Bambam, she spun on her heel and stormed out of the locker room, the slamming of the door echoing through the stunned silence.

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