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"What? I was genuinely rooting for him, I didn't know he's such a..." Nayeon started, her voice tight with anger. "This is non-negotiable, he should be the one suspended. Why were you the getting suspended for defending your own sister?"

Jeongyeon slumped into the chair opposite Nayeon, fatigue finally catching up. "I know. It's not fair."

Nayeon wasn't one to shy away from a challenge. However, the situation was tricky. Mina, Jeongyeon's younger sister, was the new student council president, as she's just a week away from graduating. Publicly confronting Bambam could not only create a huge school drama but also put Mina in a difficult position.

"Apologizing to him is out of the question," Nayeon declared, her voice firm. "But getting suspended... that hurts the team too much."

Jeongyeon looked up, a flicker of hope sparking in her eyes. "So, what do we do?"

Nayeon leaned back, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "There's Jihyo. Mina trusts her vice president completely. Maybe if we approach it the right way..."

Jeongyeon's eyes widened. Jihyo, the blabber mouth of a vice president, yet known for her diplomacy and strategic mind. "Jihyo might be able to talk some sense into Mina," she said, a spark of determination returning to her voice. "Maybe get Mina to understand why Bambam's behavior is unacceptable."

Nayeon smirked. "Exactly. Jihyo can finesse the situation, protect Mina from any backlash, and maybe even give that shrimp a subtle warning."

A mischievous grin spread across Jeongyeon's face. "We can't have the student council president's boyfriend disrespecting girls, can we?"

Nayeon chuckled, her anger replaced by a sense of shared purpose. "Absolutely not. Let's go see Jihyo."


Across campus, in a flurry of cherry blossoms swirling down from the nearby trees, Mina listened intently as Bambam recounted his version of events. His voice, usually light and playful, was laced with a practiced remorse.

"Jeongyeon just totally misunderstood, Mina," he pleaded, his eyes wide and puppy-dog innocent. "We were just talking about the game, you know, strategizing and stuff. I swear, I never said anything bad about you!"

Mina, a naturally trusting soul, frowned, her gaze flitting between Bambam's earnest face and the scattered petals blanketing the ground. A nagging doubt gnawed at her. Jeongyeon wouldn't just attack someone for no reason.

"But why would she think you were talking badly about me?" Mina asked cautiously.

Bambam sighed dramatically, running a hand through his hair. "Honestly, I think she's just stressed. Finals are coming up, and the team has that big championship game next week. Maybe she's projecting her own anxieties."

He reached for her hand, his touch sending a familiar warmth through her. "You know how protective Jeongyeon is of you. Sometimes it goes a little overboard."

Mina bit her lip, torn between her loyalty to her sister and her blossoming love for Bambam. "Maybe you're right," she said hesitantly.

Sensing her wavering, Bambam pressed his advantage. "Look, I'm so sorry if this whole thing caused any trouble. How about I make it up to you? We could skip studying tonight and grab some ice cream, just the two of us?"

The suggestion was tempting. Mina loved spending time with Bambam, and the thought of sweet treats momentarily chased away the lingering doubt. Just then, her phone buzzed. It was a text from Jihyo, requesting an urgent meeting regarding a "student council matter."

"Oh, no," Mina sighed. "This must be about Jeongyeon. Jihyo probably wants to mediate."

Bambam's smile faltered for a brief second, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features before he quickly masked it with concern. "Maybe we should go see what Jihyo wants," he suggested smoothly. "Together. Show Jeongyeon you have nothing to hide."

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