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The last day of winter break stretched before them like a crisp, blank canvas. Gone were the frantic preparations for exams and the pressure of school deadlines. Today, Mina and Bambam had the entire day to paint their own masterpiece.

They met at their usual spot, the park bathed in the soft glow of the late afternoon sun. The snow had melted somewhat, revealing patches of damp earth and vibrant green peeking through. A single, defiant dandelion braved the winter chill, its yellow head a cheerful beacon against the muted tones.

These past weeks where she lets herself be swept off her feet by Bambam has been euphoric. But she would be lying if she'll say she's not affected by Jeongyeon even one bit, because heaven knows she still yearns for the girl, but she have to set herself free.

"Where are we going today?" Mina asked, her breath misting in the cool air.

Bambam, ever the showman, winked. "Follow me," he said, his grin a conspiratorial secret.

He led her on a winding path through the park, past familiar trees and hidden corners. Finally, they reached a spot Mina had never noticed before – a small, secluded clearing nestled amidst towering pines. In the center stood a towering oak, its branches adorned with colorful ribbons and strings of twinkling fairy lights. Blankets were spread beneath the tree, a picnic basket nestled invitingly beside them.

"Wow," Mina breathed, her eyes sparkling with surprise.

"I wanted to make it special," Bambam said, his voice a touch shy. "For the last day of break."

As they settled onto the blanket, the scent of freshly baked pastries and warm coffee filled the air. Bambam had outdone himself, the basket overflowing with Mina's favorite treats – cinnamon rolls (of course), delicate macarons, and a steaming thermos of creamy latte.

They spent the afternoon lost in conversation, their laughter echoing through the clearing. They reminisced about their disastrous first skating date (Bambam still maintained he could have landed a triple axel with proper instruction), shared childhood stories, and dreamt up plans for the upcoming semester.

As the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, a comfortable silence settled between them. Mina leaned against Bambam's shoulder, watching the last rays of sunlight filter through the branches of the oak.

"Thank you," she said softly. "For all of this."

Bambam turned to her, his gaze warm and gentle. "It's my pleasure," he replied, his hand brushing against hers. "You know," he continued hesitantly, "the truth is, this winter break wasn't just about making things right with you."

Mina looked up at him, a question in her eyes.

Bambam took a deep breath. "It was also about showing you how I really feel about you, Mina." he hesitated, searching for the right words. "You're someone I care about deeply. A lot."

A blush crept up Mina's cheeks, her heart fluttering in her chest. The unresolved feelings for Jeongyeon seemed a distant memory now, replaced by a newfound warmth for the goofy boy beside her.

"Bambam," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I feel the same way." Surprisngly.

A radiant smile spread across Bambam's face. He leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a tender kiss. It was brief, sweet, and filled with the promise of something new.

As the winter sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the clearing, Mina and Bambam sat nestled beneath the fairy lights, their hands intertwined. The chill of the winter air was forgotten, replaced by the warmth of a newfound connection.  The first and last days of winter break had bookended an unexpected journey, a journey that had led them to a place neither had anticipated, a place where their 'relationship' had blossomed into something more than just forced, especially for Mina. The canvas of their winter story was now filled with vibrant colors, the first brushstrokes of a love story waiting to unfold. 

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