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Jeongyeon tiptoed in, the late-night city sounds a dull roar behind her. Her tired eyes darted around the familiar living room, landing on a lone figure sprawled on the couch. Relief washed over her as she saw Mina, practically swallowed by the oversized cushions, eyes glued to the flickering TV.

"I'm home," Jeongyeon announced softly, the door sighing shut behind her. A beat of silence followed, then a flurry of movement from the couch. Mina, cheeks flushed a faint pink, scrambled to sit upright, her gaze darting towards Jeongyeon with a touch of surprise.

Jeongyeon knelt by the shoe cabinet, the worn leather cool against her fingertips. Her stomach rumbled, a low growl that seemed to echo in the quiet room.

Jeongyeon rummaged through the fridge, the faint hum competing with the frantic drumming in Mina's chest. "You didn't go to eomma today?" Jeongyeon asked, her voice closer than Mina anticipated.

Mina jolted, a squeak escaping her lips before she clamped her mouth shut. "Uh, no," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. "We sorted out some council activities..." She trailed off, unable to meet Jeongyeon's gaze for fear of revealing the frantic dance of emotions behind her eyes. The Japanese girl fidgeted with the remote, the glow of the television casting flickering shadows across her face. She noticed Jeongyeon heading towards the kitchen.

"Um... there's... some gyudon at the table." she mumbled, barely audible over the sitcom playing. A blush crept up her neck, warming her cheeks. "I, uh, tried cooking."

Jeongyeon's smile softened the room as she turned from the kitchen. Mina couldn't see it, but the sound of Jeongyeon's returning footsteps sent a jolt of nervous excitement through her. Jeongyeon scooped a generous portion of rice, the fluffy mound trembling slightly in the spoon. Her eyes met Mina's briefly, a playful glint sparking within them, before she placed the rice in a bowl and topped it with the savory gyudon.

"Have you already eaten?" Jeongyeon asked, her voice warm and close. The scent of ginger and simmered beef filled the air, making Mina's stomach grumble traitorously.

Mina could only manage a quick nod, her gaze glued to the television screen that suddenly seemed far less interesting. Her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs as Jeongyeon settled beside her on the couch.

Jeongyeon took a bite, her eyes widening in surprise. "Wow," she exclaimed, a satisfied sigh escaping her lips. "This is actually really good!"

Mina's eyes lit up. "Really?" she blurted, glancing shyly at Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon, halfway through a mouthful, gave a thumbs up. "This is good!" she said, swallowing. "Where'd you learn this fancy chef stuff?"

Mina chuckled. "Fancy? It's just gyudon. I, uh, looked it up on YouTube." She mumbled the last part, eyes glued back to the TV screen.

Jeongyeon hummed as she satisfiedly munch on the food. "I'm not good at following those youtube videos, I'd rather just eat whatever we have in the fridge, than cook." The older girl chuckled, then proceeded to eat.

Mina let out a short hearty laugh. Then casted a glance at Jeongyeon. Her heart swelled with such adoration as the girl looked incredibly cute.

The Japanese girl sighed, so pretty, so close, yet so far.

The flickering light of the TV cast dancing shadows across the room, a silent companion to the comfortable silence that stretched between them. Every so often, a particularly funny scene would erupt, and Jeongyeon would let out a surprised snort that quickly dissolved into a fit of quiet giggles. Mina, unable to contain her own amusement, would let out a soft, melodic laugh, the sound tinkling like wind chimes.

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