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Mina put the blanket over her head when she heard the room door opening. It sure is Jeongyeon, whom she could not dare face right now as she's still hurt. Not mad, but hurt and she definitely know she does not have the right to be hurt.

The Japanese girl swallowed the lump imside her throat, biting her lip, suppressing a cry from coming out of her mouth.

Mina was not able to come to the store and just told her mother she feels sick, while apparently, Jeongyeon missed her practice and just went to help their mother at the store as she overheard her mother's conversation with her 'sister', thinking about her familial relationship with Jeongyeon deepens the hurt she's feeling. It is more frustrating and almost nonsense that she is feeling this way.

Wide-eyed beneath the protective shield of the blanket, Mina faced the paradox of her own vulnerability. The absurdity of feeling hurt, without the right to claim such emotions, echoed in her mind. The room bore witness to the perplexing dance of emotions, a silent drama unfolding in the stillness.

She felt someone sitting at the edge of her bed. It is obviously Jeongyeon, she gulped down and just stayed still. It seems like Jeongyeon is staring at her.

"Are you mad at me?" Jeongyeon's question lingered in the air, a delicate thread that could unravel the intricate emotions beneath the blanket-shrouded silence. Mina, caught in the web of her own emotions, grappled with the weight of unspoken words, unsure how to articulate the storm within.

"I know you're disappointed," Jeongyeon ventured, her words resonating in the room. However, Mina's hurt ran deeper, a silent ache that surpassed mere disappointment. The revelation of Jeongyeon's affections for another had left an indelible mark on Mina's heart, a wound too raw to be soothed by casual words.

"Are you creeped out with me around?" Jeongyeon continued.

Mina bit her lip, she wanted to scream no, Jeongyeon understood it wrong. The internal turmoil Mina experienced was not rooted in discomfort but in the poignant realization that the one she cared for harbored love for someone else.

A soft "No" escaped Mina's lips, a feeble attempt to convey the truth amidst the silent chaos. Her bitten lip betrayed the struggle to contain emotions that threatened to spill over.

"Then why are you avoiding me?" Jeongyeon's question cut through the air, this time she pulled the blanket down, revealing Mina's tear streaked face. The vulnerability etched on Mina's features spoke louder than words. Jeongyeon, faced with the rawness of Mina's emotions, found herself standing on the precipice of a truth that transcended the surface of their conversation.

Seizing the opportunity presented by Jeongyeon's perplexed state, Mina smoothly retrieved the blanket, enveloping herself in its warmth. She skillfully adjusted her position, orienting herself back toward the football player. Faced with Jeongyeon's inquiry, Mina grappled with the dilemma of articulating her emotions, acutely aware that verbal expression might inadvertently unveil her innermost thoughts. Recognizing the delicate nature of the situation, she deemed it far more prudent for Jeongyeon to remain oblivious to the complexity of her feelings.

Mina closed her eyes, and breathe out a sigh of relief when Jeongyeon stood up, letting her lie there in peace.


Awakening to the enticing aroma wafting from the kitchen, Mina found herself immersed in the tantalizing fragrance of an unfamiliar culinary creation. Rising from her slumber, her gaze fell upon Jeongyeon's vacated bed, a poignant reminder of the ache that swiftly flooded her senses. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Mina took a moment to compose herself, busying her hands with the task of tidying her disheveled bedding.

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