"Jeongyeon, did you know foie gras is, like, a giant duck egg?" Jihyo slurred slightly, her words cushioned by the plush leather seats, of the Im family's Rolls-Royce. The image she conjured sent a ripple of amusement through Jeongyeon.

Mina, nestled between them, piped up, her voice betraying a hint of weariness, "It's liver, Jihyo. Duck liver."

"Oh, right, liver," Jihyo conceded, the confusion momentarily creasing her brow. "Did you try some, Jeongyeon?"

Jeongyeon, ever the pragmatist, shook her head. "Nope. Fancy food isn't really my thing. Besides, that cake was amazing." Her stomach rumbled in agreement. Galbi, a hearty Korean short rib stew, sounded infinitely more appealing than goose liver.

Jihyo's eyes widened. "You didn't? But it was incredible, Jeongyeon! Like, the most decadent, melt-in-your-mouth thing I've ever eaten. You're seriously missing out!" Her voice rose a notch, tinged with playful exaggeration.

The playful jab elicited a snort from Jeongyeon. "Maybe next time then," she conceded, a mischievous glint in her eye. "But seriously, if it can't compete with a good galbi, then it can't be that great."

Mina, catching the playful banter, offered a small, genuine smile. "Jeongyeon's right," she chimed in, her voice regaining some of its usual cheer. "There's nothing quite like comfort food, is there?"

The car lurched to a stop, jolting them back to reality. The familiar sight of their apartment building greeted them, bathed in the warm glow of streetlights.

The plush leather seats sighed softly as Mina murmured, "Thank you, Mr. Park." Jeongyeon and Jihyo echoed her gratitude, their voices a gentle chorus.

Jeongyeon turned to the driver, her smile as warm. "Please tell Nayeon's parents how much we appreciate everything. Their hospitality has been incredible."

The driver returned the smile, crinkling at the corners of his eyes. A single, respectful nod conveyed his understanding.

Stepping out of the sleek, black car, Jihyo offered a final farewell. "Take care, ajusshi." The weight of the luxurious vehicle seemed to shrink under her confident gaze.

The luxurious car, a sleek black panther in the fading sunlight, melted into the city's evening flow. Mina, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo stood for a beat longer, the silence heavy with unspoken emotions. The air itself seemed to shimmer with the heat that had radiated off the asphalt all afternoon.

Finally, Jeongyeon, ever the pragmatist, cleared her throat, "Let's go." She stated as the two girls followed suit.


Mina rhythmically hammered the tip of her pen against her notebook, the quiet drumming a counterpoint to the frantic war dance in her chest. Every few seconds, her gaze would dart towards Bambam's desk. The football team had an early morning practice, since Jeongyeon went out super early today.

Catching Jihyo's eye, Mina saw a flicker of understanding followed by a sharp intake of breath. Jihyo, ever the strategist, slid into the seat beside her, their knees brushing.

"What's going on?" Jihyo murmured, her voice barely a whisper.

"I..." Mina hesitated, then blurted, "What if I told Bambam I liked him too?"

Jihyo's eyes widened like saucers. "Hold on a second," she hissed, her voice barely above a panicked squeak. "Are you serious? Mina, why would you do something like that?"

"I can't bottle it up anymore, Jihyo!" Mina's voice rose a notch, then she squeezed her eyes shut, mortified by the potential audience. Her voice dropped back to a desperate whisper.  "Seeing Jeongyeon with Nayeon-unnie... it tears me apart.  I need an escape, a way out of this..."

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