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Mina finished her shower and put on her favorite mint green pajama. Her mind still drifts to what her appa just said.

It is indeed too much. Plus Harvard? How could she even do that? The only university she wants to get to is Seoul National University, because that is she and Jeongyeon have agreed upon.

Then her heart began to ache, the pain that feels so empty, like a void. That pain as if all the warmth in her soul is being taken away and all she can feel is the cold loneliness. The harsh reality hits her like an avalanche.

Before she knew it, her cheeks have been dampen by the tears that she didn't notice fell down.

Breathing out, she wiped away the evidence of her struggle, forcing a smile in the mirror. Seoyeon's call interrupted her thoughts, laughter and excitement echoing through the house. She couldn't let them see her like this, not on her birthday.

"Mina-yah, are you done?" Seoyeon's voice carried, followed by giggles. "Let's try out your Nintendo," she suggested, the anticipation palpable. "Plus, we want to see what that boy got you," Seungyeon teased.

For a moment, Mina allowed herself to be swept away by their joy, determined to cherish every remaining moment with the Yoo family. As she smiled, she made a silent promise to forget her feelings for Jeongyeon, a sacrifice for the love she had found within these walls.

With a wide smile, Mina went out of the bathroom. The two double decks that are positioned across each other are now all occupied. The one that is closer to the bathroom, is where Seoyeon and Jeongyeon sleeps, while Seungyeon and her occupies the other one.

But Seungyeon and Seoyeon is currently seated on her bed, holding the Fendi paper bag, while Jeongyeon is currently glued to her phone.

"Jeongie, come here." Seoyeon called. Jeongie glanced at them and nodded.

"Put that frown off your face. Aren't you happy we're here?" Seungyeon joked.

Jeongyeon just chuckled and sat beside Mina, lying her head on the girl's shoulder. Which, automatically sent shivers down Mina's spine.

The Japanese girl couldn't help but gulp down the nervousness that is building up, her heart racing so erratic that she couldn't even focus on what she has to do.

This feeling... it's dangerous, it's frightening, it is something she shouldn't feel, something that shouldn't be felt, something that must be kept a secret forever.

Mina swiftly reached out to the Fendi paper bag, all while removing Jeongyeon's head from her shoulder, she knew she needs to getaway from this feeling. She knew she have to stop this, and to be able to do that, she have to focus on other things... or other person.

"That boy is lovesick in love with you, don't you know that?" Seungyeon teased, while Mina just smiled softly. Jeongyeon rolled her eyes and snatched the paper bag off of Mina's hand.

"Why would he buy such luxury, it's an inconvenience to his parents." Jeongyeon huffed, and glanced at the thing inside the paper bag, and rolled her eyes, handing the paper back to Mina, "Is he courting you?"

"Ooh, our Jeongyeonie's being super protective." Seoyeon chuckled, then faced Mina. "Is he courting you?" She repeated.

"No." Mina stated, as she pulled the thing inside the Fendi bag.

"He hasn't confessed yet?" Seongyeon raised her brows, then clicked her tongue. "Ah, that kid. I'm with Jeongyeon. You don't like him, right Jeongie?" She stated then glanced at Jeongyeon who just nodded. "Gifting you with a Fendi is bribery." She stated then shook her head.

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