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"I thought you'll be surprise if I go here unannounced, but seems like I'm the one who got surprised." Nayeon stated bitterly as she unconsciously played with the tip of the tissues placed at the table.

Jeongyeon sighed frustratedly, Mina is currently busy helping their mom at the kitchen with Nayeon's order.

"Mina and I are sisters, we do not feel any romantic feelings towards each other. Please understand that. I hold Mina dearly to my heart, and the same goes for Mina. It was instilled to us at an early age." Jeongyeon explained, then cast a glance at the kitchen's entrance, before holding Nayeon's hand. "Please don't be upset. I love you." Jeongyeon's eyes fixates at Nayeon's, her word filled with sincerity.

Nayeon pursed her lips, averting her eyes away from Jeongyeon. She knows to herself that she needs to understand Mina and Jeongyeon's situation, that she shouldn't be worried about the younger girl. But she's stubborn, so she pulled her hand back and crossed her arms.

Jeongyeon clearly looked unhappy with this, but she's trying to understand Nayeon. "I'm sorry if my closeness with Mina upsets you."

The apology tugged at Nayeon's conscience, making her feel guilty for treating Jeongyeon that way.

Mina, with a big smile on her face reappeared from the kitchen with a pitcher of iced tea in hand. She noticed something off between Nayeon and Jeongyeon as the two seemed quite upset with each other, but she did not dare ask as she put the pitcher down.

"You need help?" Jeongyeon asked, as she felt the urge to help her sister and mother.

"It's fine. You should keep Nayeon-eonnie company," Mina replied with a smile, exchanging glances with Nayeon.

Nayeon, now regretful for her unwarranted jealousy, acknowledged Mina's sweetness.

"We're finishing off the order, I'll be back." Mina smiled and walked towards the kitchen. She still finds it a little weird that Jeongyeon and Nayeon always have this tesion between them. But whatever that connection is, it stirred something inside Mina that made her heart sink, she doesn't like the feeling. It feels sad... The Japanese girl stopped in her tracks, why is she feeling this?

"Can we at least pretend you're not staring daggers at me?" Jeongyeon expressed in frustration. "Mina's perceptive, and she'll keep asking questions."

"Why does it matter if she asks?" Nayeon stubbornly retorted, grappling with the idea of conceding.

"Mina may seem quiet, but she talks a lot at home. Eomma and appa will get curious, and I just want to protect our relationship. Mina shouldn't know about us, at least not until I'm ready," Jeongyeon explained, attempting to justify her reluctance.

Nayeon's heart sank. Jeongyeon wasn't ready to disclose their relationship to her parents, and the realization stung. Yet, she couldn't forget that it was her idea to keep their connection private in the first place.


"Why isn't Jeongyeon helping?" Seojin questioned, growing slightly annoyed as she prepared spicy tteokbokki on a plate, while Mina cut a portion of soondae.

"A schoolmate visited us, eomma. I think she's friends with Jeongyeon-eonnie," Mina explained, placing the soondae on a plate and then grabbing a serving of tempura.

"What? Jeongyeon's friend?" Seojin exclaimed, firing up one of the pans to make fried calamari. This was an unusual occurrence; she had never heard of any friends visiting their tteokbokki place before. "Who is it? Is it a boy?" she asked curiously.

"No, eomma. Her name's Nayeon. She's the student council president," Mina clarified.

"Really?" Seojin inquired curiously. "Is she kind?"

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