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"So... how was your first day at school?" Jeongyeon inquired, her voice carrying a playful tone as they wrapped up the task of washing the dishes. "And how did the grand debut into the Student Council go?" she added, a chuckle accenting her words.

Mina, her hands methodically wiping the sink clean, offered a nonchalant shrug but sported a wide smile. "A bit more eventful than I had initially thought," she remarked with a hint of contained excitement, her eyes gleaming with the day's experiences.

The backdrop of their mother's bustling Tteokbokki stall at the vibrant market enveloped them, a place where, after school, both Mina and Jeongyeon frequently lent a helping hand to their mother, Seojin.

"Jihyo roped you into this, right?" Jeongyeon teased, swiftly pulling a chair from a nearby table and settling into it, her gaze fixed mischievously on the younger girl.

Mina let out a faint sigh, a blend of fond exasperation and amusement in her voice. "Oh, indeed," she confirmed, "It seems Jihyo volunteered herself for the council and naturally thought to tag me along."

"Typical Jihyo, she's always all about you becoming more outgoing. You should thank her though." Jeongyeon stated.

"I guess so." Mina smiled

Their conversation drifted on, the ambient sounds of the market merging with their dialogue. The aromatic scents of Seojin's flavorful dishes mixed with the vibrant chatter of the market, painting a vivid scene where the duo shared sisterly banter, surrounded by the comforting familiarity of their family's bustling stall.

As the final orders were completed, Mina's audible sigh conveyed a mix of exhaustion and relief, signifying the culmination of another demanding day at the stall. The anticipation of heading home flickered across her face, contrasted by Jeongyeon's persistent commitment to perfecting the stall's ambiance. With meticulous care, Jeongyeon methodically adjusted chairs and tables, ensuring the remaining customers had ample space to savor their meals.

Eager to contribute to the post-service cleanup, Mina swiftly laid hands on the mop, driven by the resolve to ready the stall for closure. However, in her haste, she nearly stumbled over a misplaced chair. Before the impending fall, Jeongyeon, with lightning reflexes, ensnared Mina, drawing her close, her protective hold securing Mina's waist in a reassuring grip.

Locked in Jeongyeon's gaze, Mina was struck by the evident concern etched across the taller girl's face. In that fleeting, intimate moment, Mina found herself spellbound by Jeongyeon's eyes, inexplicably setting her heart into a sudden, erratic beat, introducing a rush of unfamiliar sensations that sent her stomach spiraling into knots. An inexplicable yet palpable awkwardness overwhelmed her, leaving her flustered and bewildered.

Once more, that strange, persistent emotion reemerges. It's an enigmatic sensation that, until now, she's reserved solely for Jeongyeon, growing more potent with each passing day.

The intensity of these feelings has now reached a point that's disconcerting, making her experience a kind of fear. What confounds her even more is that this fondness for Jeongyeon surpasses any emotions she holds for any of the other two Yoo sisters, breaching the unspoken boundaries of their carefully constructed sisterly bond.

As Mina tightened her grip on the mop, a wave of uncertainty washed over her. Is this overwhelming emotion indicative of love? Or is it merely a rapid elevation of preference for Jeongyeon? These perplexing thoughts lingered in her mind, causing her to brush off the depth of these sentiments with a nonchalant shrug.

As they entered the house, Mina's attention kept gravitating towards Jeongyeon, who was deeply immersed in her phone. The allure of Jeongyeon's beauty was undeniable to Mina. The way her bangs delicately framed her face and the intensity of her inquisitive gaze fixated on the screen. She couldn't help but wonder why no one seemed to actively pursue Jeongyeon, a thought that stirred something within her.

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