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"Mina, want to come to school with me?" Jeongyeon asked, as she puts on her shoes.

"Hm? You don't have practice today?" Mina asked, noting Jeongyeon's uniform, the girl doesn't have her gym bag which she usually carry whenever they have practice.

"Nope. Break." Jeongyeon smiled.

"Oh? Really?" Mina remarked, with a questioning look.

"Really. You know I don't allow my team to slack, I'm guessing they're happy to have a little break for this week." Jeongyeon stated, now waiting for Mina to finish putting her shoes on.

"Besides, don't you miss going to school with me?" Jeongyeon teased, and Mina's whole system signalled an emergency warning. Like a blaring red light.

The Japanese girl managed a defensive scoff, "Not really."

Jeongyeon chuckled, the sound strained around the edges. Wrapping an arm around Mina's shoulders, she reveled in the unexpected closeness. This, an unburdened conversation, was what she craved. But the moment felt fragile, a crystal vase teetering on the edge. As long as Bambam, that damn name, didn't come up, maybe, just maybe, they could salvage a semblance of their old routine

The crisp morning air washed over them as Jeongyeon finally pushed open the creaking front door. Outside, bathed in the soft glow of the rising sun, stood Jihyo, her breath puffing out in white wisps. Her hair, usually meticulously styled, was a mess of playful flyaways.

"Oh?" Jihyo drawled, a teasing lilt in her voice. "Jeongyeonie! Gracing us with your presence today, are we?"

Mina, who stood a step behind Jeongyeon, couldn't help but snort with laughter at Jihyo's flamboyant delivery. Jeongyeon, predictable as ever, rolled her eyes and playfully shoved Jihyo's shoulder.

"Oh, shut it," Jeongyeon mumbled, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She stepped forward, the familiar worn path guiding her steps as she took the lead.

Jihyo, ever curious, bounced on the balls of her feet. "No football practice today?"

Jeongyeon tossed a casual "Nope" over her shoulder.

"Awesome!" Jihyo beamed. "Want to hang out later after school? We could hit up eommoni's for some of her legendary tteokbokki!"

Mina's eyes lit up. "Eomma would love that," she chimed in, her voice barely a whisper.

Jeongyeon, finally turning back with a genuine smile, met Mina's hopeful gaze. "Sure," she said, the single word holding the promise of a fun afternoon.

The crisp December air bit at their cheeks, a stark contrast to the warmth that bloomed in Mina's chest at the thought of spending the afternoon with Jeongyeon. Snow, the first of the season, had dusted the world overnight, transforming their familiar street into a glistening wonderland. Tiny flakes still swirled in the air, catching the sunlight like miniature diamonds.

"Cheonnun (first snow) is early this year," Jihyo observed, tilting her head back to catch a snowflake on her tongue. "They say a cold Soseol (first day of snow) brings good luck for the harvest next year."

Jeongyeon scoffed playfully. "Don't listen to her superstitions, Mina. It just means bundling up tighter."

Mina felt a warmth spread through her despite the chill. Jeongyeon always seemed to know exactly how to make her laugh, even with the most mundane remarks. "Maybe it's good luck for exams too," she offered, a hopeful glint in her eyes.

Jihyo, ever the observant one, shot a knowing glance between Mina and Jeongyeon. Her lips twitched into a barely suppressed smile. "Speaking of luck, they also say if you see the first snow with someone you love, your dreams will come true."

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