January meant biting winds and skies perpetually painted a pale, wintry gray. Yet, for Mina, the world seemed to be bathed in warm sunlight as she walked to school hand-in-hand with Bambam. He'd surprised her with a breakfast date, suggesting they skip the usual pre-class routines and grab a bite together in the cafeteria.

Nervously excited, Mina let him guide her through the school gates. The crisp air stung their cheeks, and puffs of white escaped their breaths with each laugh. Reaching the cafeteria, the warmth that had been radiating from Bambam seemed to intensify as he held the door open for her.

Inside, the usual pre-class chaos reigned. Friends gathered in noisy clusters, shoving down breakfast and finishing homework with sleep-deprived urgency. Mina scanned the room, expecting a raised eyebrow or a knowing look from a classmate, but everyone seemed oblivious to their entrance.

"Here," Bambam said, leading her towards an empty table near a window. The spot offered a view of the snow-covered courtyard, and despite the dreary January weather, it felt almost cozy.

He pulled out a chair for her with a flourish, earning a shy smile. "This gentleman," he declared with a playful bow, "made a reservation for the most beautiful girl in school."

Mina laughed, a sound that drew a few curious glances. Blushing, she settled into the chair. "Don't be cheesy," she muttered, but her eyes held a sparkle of amusement.

With practiced efficiency, Bambam weaved through the breakfast line, balancing a tray laden with steaming bowls of kimchi jjigae (spicy stew), fluffy white rice, and a stack of kimchi pancakes.

"I figured you might want something warm to chase away the cold," he explained, sliding into the seat opposite her.

Mina dug into the steaming stew, the spicy warmth radiating from the bowl tingling her taste buds. "Thanks," she mumbled between bites. "This is perfect."

They ate in comfortable silence for a while, punctuated by stolen glances and shy smiles.

"So," Bambam began, leaning back in his chair, "what's on the agenda for today besides dominating history class?"

Mina chuckled. "Hopefully not too much," she admitted. "Just the usual lectures and tests. Maybe a meeting with student council after school if I can survive the day."

He raised an eyebrow playfully. "Should I call you President Myoui now?"

A blush crept up Mina's cheeks. "I haven't won yet."

"No one dared to run against you." Bambam chuckled.

"Still, it is not yet official."

Their conversation flowed easily, filled with shared anecdotes and whispered jokes. The cafeteria, once a bustling sea of faces, faded into the background. For them, it was just the two of them, huddled against the January chill, sharing a simple breakfast and forging a new connection that felt both exciting and strangely familiar.

By the time the last bite of kimchi pancake was gone, the morning bell echoed through the cafeteria, shattering their peaceful bubble.

Bambam stood up, offering her his hand. "Ready to face the day?"

Mina took his hand, a warmth spreading from her fingertips to her heart. "Yep!" she replied with a smile.

Walking out of the cafeteria hand-in-hand, the January chill didn't seem so harsh anymore. Maybe, Mina thought, with a secret smile, winter wouldn't be so bad after all, especially with Bambam by her side.

As they stepped out of the warm cafeteria, a gust of wind whipped around them, momentarily stealing Mina's breath away. Bambam chuckled, pulling a thick scarf from his backpack and expertly wrapping it around her neck.

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