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title says it all. 


If you told Percy that he would be in the most dangerous place for half-bloods to go, crawling with monsters that absolutely hated him, and had the whole world resting on his shoulders even more, he would've laughed. 

But of course, he should've known. His life never made sense, and it was always in danger. So being in good old Tartarus wasn't something on his bucket list. But at least was with Annabeth, right? Yeah, that only helped a little bit. 

Currently, they were hiding in a small cave in the middle of a dark ravine, trying to rest up before the long journey ahead of them. Annabeth was resting on his shoulder, her eyes closed as she was trying to sleep. Percy had an arm around her, cheek placed on her forehead, trying to relax. But there was nothing relaxing about this place. 

There were weird smells, weird noises, and in every corner of this place, there was something dangerous lurking in the darkness. Something that was trying to track them down and kill them at any moment. His emotions were at an all-time high, and the most important thing on Percy's mind was protecting Annabeth. 

He knew he would do anything to protect her, to help her out of this terrible place without question. But he also knew that Annabeth would do anything to save his butt if she had the chance as well. Which worried him. 

But right now, he felt his worries wash away as he felt Annabeth nestle into his side, trying to get some sleep before they ventured deeper in Tartarus. She was so strong; she had been on an either quest, trying to help her mother before falling into this place. She had a broken ankle, that was starting to heal up fortunately because of his water powers in the rivers, but she was still battered up from her own quest, whereas he came here pretty rested up. He was so deep in thought, trying to understand just how brave she was, and how much he loved her really. 

Many people would ask him why he was dating Annabeth Chase, and if he thought it would last. And immediately, he'd say yes. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her, and likewise. She was his best friend, and he was her, they were each other's safe place, each other's tether to the world, to living life, to being themselves. He was so deep in thought that he didn't hear Annabeth say his name, until she sat up to look at him with her stormy eyes. 

"What are you thinking about?" Annabeth asked, placing her on top his own. 

"Nothing. Just that you need some rest," He replied, kissing her forehead sweetly. She smiled, which shone brightly, making his heart flutter. She was his light down here. 

Annabeth leaned back on his shoulder again, sighing as she got comfortable. She shivered as she laid back on his side again, and Percy quickly took his own jacket off, placing over her shoulders before wrapping his arm around her again. "Thank you." She mumbled. Percy could tell that she was starting to fall asleep. "Just don't worry so much. Alright, Seaweed Brain?" She said before her breath evened out. 

"Anything for you, Beth." He said, kissing her forehead lightly again before leaning against the wall of the cave, closing his eyes and resting. "Anything for you," 


"Look, I know you're trying, but we've gotta go faster than this," Percy whined as he practically dragged Annabeth behind him, stumbling over the sandy land. 

"I can't run with a hurt ankle, Seaweed Brain," She fought back, rolling her eyes as she tried to pick up the pace. Suddenly, Percy had a mischievous look in his eyes. Capping his pen, which was their only other light besides the river of fire burning besides them, Percy picked Annabeth up, holding her by her knees with his arm under her shoulders 'bridal style' and running as fast as he could. "Percy! I can run perfectly fine!" She cried as he ran out into the darkness, seemingly to increase his speed. 

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