Chapter 2: Cainville, Utah

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The next morning we all got up and went to church. I got in my Sunday's best, and got in the car with my mom.

During the service I could see Diana roll her eyes. Tyler and Landon were texting, trying not to be seen, and Matt was almost asleep, that was up till my dad smacked him upside the head. I payed attention and so did Robert. I liked going to church.

After the service we went out for lunch at a small diner. I took a seat next to Robert. "Are you ready for the trip? We leave tomorrow." I took a sip of my soda. "Yup. Packed my bags already." We ate lunch then went home.

I made sure I had all my clothes and bags ready for the next morning, then Diana walked in. "Just so you know, your brother is only doing this because he feels sorry for you." She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Whatever, that's not true. Robert loves me and he's doing it because he wants me to come." Diana laughed, "do you seriously believe that?" I nodded, "now please get out of my room. I've had enough of you for one day." I said in a smart tone.

Diana scoffed and went back downstairs. I started to pack things to do. We would be driving for two days and I would get bored if I had to hear Robert and them all talk about their college time.

I grabbed a few books, a notepad and some pencils. I made sure to bring my old crappy MP3 player that ran on batteries too.

I got in my bed and went to sleep early, ready to go to Utah.


"Up!" I heard Robert say, who was now hovering above me. I groaned and sat up in bed. I looked at my clock and it was five thirty in the morning. "Hurry up Mary!" Robert said clapping his hands in front of me. "Alright!" I yelled pulling the blankets back.

I pushed myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I showered and threw on a pair of dark blue bootcut jeans and a plain white shirt. "Hey mom!" I called. "Yeah!" She yelled back. "Can you braid my hair?" I asked. "Yes!" She answered.

I ran downstairs where my mother was making breakfast. "Mmm, sausage links." I said picking one up and biting into it. "Sit down," she said. My mom ran her fingers through my hair and began French braiding it. "Your hair is so pretty."

Robert and Matt came in from outside. "The van is almost packed and ready. Mary, do you have your bags ready? Matt will take them out." My mom finished my hair. "Thanks," I told her then turned to Matt, "they're upstairs, follow me."

I handed over my duffle bag when we reached my room. "Thanks," I told him. "No problem." He winked and smiled. I nodded, trying not to feel uncomfortable. "So how old are you again?" I turned back to look at him. "Sixteen." He nodded, "cool."

After all our stuff was packed in the van we went to say our goodbyes. "Bye mom! I'll miss you." I squeezed her tightly. "I'll miss you too. I love you so much." She kissed my cheek and pulled away only for my dad to fill her stop. "Be safe Mary, I love you!" He kissed my forehead and gave a half hug. "Love you too."

I ran to the van, making sure I had my 'things to do' bag on my lap. "Bye!" We shouted, then pulled out of the driveway. Utah here I come!


The first night we didn't stop for a place to sleep. Landon and Robert just switched out places for driving. I was all the way in the back of the van sitting beside Matt. Everyone else was asleep except for Matt, Landon and I.

I'm surprised anyone could sleep with Tyler's obnoxious snoring. "Hey," Matt whispered. He scooted closer to me. "What?" I asked quietly. "You doin' okay?" He asked with his arm resting behind me. "Fine." I answered. "Good." He smiled, but you could barely tell in the dark. He put his hand on my knee and started to run over it with his thumb.

"Can you not do that, it makes me... Uncomfortable." I pushed his hand off me. Matt frowned and slid over to his side of the van without an apology.

I pulled out my MP3 player and listened to music until I fell asleep.

When I woke up everyone was awake. My ears were sore from having the earbuds in so long. I pulled them out and rubbed my ear. "There she is!" Robert yelled back, looking at me through the rear view mirror. "I'm awake." I smiled. "We're almost there! You slept for about 10 hours." Matt said. "Yeah, that's because I was awake for a whole day." Robert laughed. "You ready to get your nature on!" Tyler joked.

I've known Tyler since we were little. He was friends with Robert since kindergarten. He's like a second brother to me. "I guess. Not much for the outdoors though." I admitted. "Here it is!" Robert yelled.

We all looked out the windows, seeing the area we would call home for two weeks. "Welcome to Cainville, Utah!" Robert honked the horn, cheering.

"Hello Cainville." I whispered.


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