Chapter 21: Tough Love

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Sitting at the table we heard the door open. My dad walked in and he looked pretty rough. Almost like he hasn't been sleeping enough.

"Hi honey," my mom went up to kiss his cheek, but he rejected her. My dad looked at Mac and then to me. "I see you decided to join us." He words were slurred and I knew slurred words very well from being with Mac. My dad was drunk.

"I did." I smiled. My dad took a seat at the end of the table looking over at us. He gave a nod to Robert who smiled in return.

"Where Diana?" My dad asked. "She's not coming, her parents are having dinner and she wanted to spend time with them." Robert spoke.

"That's a good girl you got there Robert. One that wants to spend time with her family than some man. Don't you think so Grace?" He asked looking back at my mother.

"Not now!" She growled to him. "I mean, come on I'm right, aren't I? What kind of girl would want to see her boyfriend more than her parents?"

I slammed my fist onto the table knowing this was all directed towards me. "Shut up, alright. Yes I chose Mac over you! Get over it!" I yelled.

My dad stood up ready to backhand me. "I'll tell you what young lady-"

"Don't fuckin' touch her." Mac stood up ready to protect me. He was always very protective of me and I was afraid something like this would happen.

"Dad... Just back off," I heard Robert say to him. "Quiet Robbie!" Dad yelled. I watched as my mother stood back in the corner waiting for a huge fight to breakout.

"You listen and you listen good. She's my daughter. I'll tell her what to do, not you. I raised her right and you... Corrupted her. You're a piece of low life scum." I could hear the hatred in my dads voice.

Mac only scoffed and chuckled lightly, "that's not the worse thing I've been called, pops." Mac made a joke of calling my dad his and I watched my dads eyes widen with anger.

"Please stop fighting. It's fucking bullshit!" I screamed. My dad walked over and backhanded me for swearing in his house. It was unbelievable. I never thought my dad would hit me, and especially in front of all my family. He was drinking also, so that could be a contributing factor, but I wouldn't just place all the blame on his drinking

"What did you-" my dad started to say but Mac pulled him back and threw him to the ground. "Mac!" I yelled trying to pry him away from my dad as he started punching.

"I said don't fuckin' touch her. What part of that don't you understand?" Mac was seeing red and it took me and my brother to pull him off.

"See what I told you Allen! You should've kept your mouth shut!" My mom yelled throwing a towel on the floor. 

"Don't yell at me Grace! She's out of control. We were stupid to let her stay with him." My dad turned back to Mac who was standing tall in front of me.

"I want you out of my house!" Dad yelled. "Both of you!" "Allen! She's our daughter!" My mom was trying to stand up for me. "Yeah dad, let her stay." Robert said.

My dad knew he was out number, but it didn't stop him from arguing. "I said out of my house."

I moved passed Mac and grabbed his hand. "Fine." I drug Mac outside we got in the truck. "So much for a fuckin' family reunion." Mac grumbled and lit up a smoke.

"Did you have to get in a fight?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders and blew smoke out of his nose. "It was either that or let him hurt ya'. I don't want ya' hurt ever again. Not after Tony." He looked serious. I remember how Tony hurt me when I tried to let that Sierra girl loose in the caves.

"Wanna get a motel or something? We can't stay here." Mac nodded, "yeah, ye' know where one is?" I told him yes and gave him directions.

We ended up stay at a shabby hotel. It was all we could afford right now, and we needed money to get back home. "I'm sorry I ruined yer' trip baby," Mac said as he slid in bed next to me.

"It's not your fault. It was mine. My dad is just over protective and thinks I'm still his five year old daughter. He didn't want me to grow up." I explained. Mac scoffed, then shook his head.

"I'm glad ya' grew up! Ye' got these nice tits," he ran his hand over my braless chest. "And this cute ass." He pinched the back of my ass. "And a pretty smile that even made my heart skip a beat." Mac whispered before tilting my head up and connecting our lips.

The kiss was slow. It was like he wanted to kiss me, and no coax me into sex. The way he hands felt my face made it feel like I was the only person he wanted. The only girl to ever kiss his lips. I was the only one he ever wanted. I let out a sigh of content as Mac swallowed up my moans. He was pulling my body as close as possible. Closer than I could ever mentally think of.

"I love you," I mumbled into the kiss. "I know, baby, I know. Love ya' too." He wrapped me up in a hug before kissing my temple. I only needed Mac in my life. I didn't need my family, or friends. Mac is the only one that I will ever need. And right now, I need him to fuck me.


🎈How many of you watched the Season 6 Premier? I almost died! It was so good!

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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