Chapter 8: Summers Long Gone

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Warning: Mature Content

It's been two months since I've been kidnapped by Mac. He's turned me into this female version of him. I don't kill and rape people, but my attitude and sexual needs were probably just as bad as his. Before, I was daddy's good Christian girl. Now I was Satan's sons whore. I cursed like him, acted like, and the worse part was I fucked like him, rough and hard, to the point where one of us was bleeding. But things aren't so bad.

The news has dropped everything about me and Mac is thinking about taking me out soon, not on a date, but to the Luna Mesa. I learned that Walter is Mac's dad and I see no resemblance in them at all.

I cook and clean for Mac since he's too lazy to do it himself. He hasn't raped any girls since me, and I feel special because of that. I'm glad Mac only wants me because the truth is, I love him and he hates it. He fucks me until I'm screaming that I hate him and then gets mad if I whisper a sweet I love you before bed. I don't know if Mac considers me his girlfriend or his victim, but all I know is, I am his, and he is mine.


"Get up, make me breakfast," Mac nudged me in bed wanting me to get up. I rolled over and read the clock seeing it was only six a.m. "Right now? It's too early!" I groaned pulling the covers over my face. A hard smack landed on my ass. "I said up!" He yelled. I threw the blankets back and shook my head, "what do you want?" I leaned on one foot with my arms crossed. "Changed my mind." He said standing. "I want pussy,"

I sighed and pushed him on the bed going out to make him something that's actually editable. As I was frying up some bacon and making eggs, a cool hand slipped down the front of my shorts, making me gasp. "My food done yet, cause if not. I can have ya' while its cookin'," his kissed up the side of my neck and behind my ear as he rubbed me in my shorts. "Your foods almost done," I pulled his hand out of my shorts, "now sit," 

Mac scoffed and went outside while I continued to cook. He's been really fussy lately, and I think it's because Walter has been giving him a lot of crap about keeping me. After I was done with breakfast I called Mac in. He stomped in with his boots on and his hair sticking up in all directions.

His goatee was starting to turn into a full facial beard and it tickled when he would try to kiss me. I stood next to the table waiting for him to stop licking his plate so I could wash it. To my surprise he did it himself and sat back down. "Okay," I said awkward and went to move, but he grabbed my hand preventing me from doing so. "Sit," he growled patting the empty space on the table in front of him. "What? No!" I argued.

Mac and I got into a lot of fights because I wouldn't do what he wanted me too, but in the end I always did it. "Sit yer' ass down!" I didn't move so he stood up and grabbed me slamming me down on the table. My head cracked off the table, and I winced in pain. Mac sat back down and pulled the chair to the table, so his face was right between my legs. "Asshole," I grumbled. "Bitch," he mocked. These were usual names for us and I didn't get offended by them anymore.

He pulled out that stupid knife again and cut my shorts off. "Are you kidding me! Another pair!" He shrugged his shoulders, "shut up,"

I knew arguing with Mac was no use, but I did it because having sex with him when we were both mad was mind blowing. He was so rough and animalistic. I moaned when he started lapping up my juices. I didn't even know he got me so wet.

Mac didn't make eye contact with me and I liked it that was. I could close my eyes and focus on the pleasure. Mac wouldn't stop until I came, and if it wasn't good enough for him he keep at it until it was. I moved my hands to his greasy hair.

God, he needs a shower!

"Oh god!" I moaned when he stuck two fingers in me. "Don't talk," he mumbled, and the vibrations from his mouth felt great. "Do that again," I begged. He stopped and lifted his head with a confused look, "do what?" I rolled my eyes and hooked my legs around his head, "never mind," I shoved him back down into my wet heated core and he started to talk as he sucked on my clit. He knew what I wanted him to do and played stupid like before.

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