Chapter 23: Instinct

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"Mary, get up! Got the electric back on." I heard Mac yell, shaking me awake.

"Really?" I was excited to finally have some power after a week of not having any. "Yeah," I sat up in bed and threw the covers off.

Standing up, my back cracked and my shirt lifted up exposing my small somewhat bloating looking stomach. Mac didn't seem intrigued or even interested that I had started developing a stomach.

"How'd you get it back on?" I asked him. Mac had sold meth the other day, but it wasn't enough to get the electric back on. We didn't even buy any food, Mac just took me to Luna Mesa and got me a meal everyday while he figured out how to get some more cash.

"Went down to the boarder, sold some more shit." Meth was more expensive in Mexico. Mac left early last night, probably around seven, and it was almost one in the afternoon now.

"I'm glad you're safe now." I leaned up and kissed his lips. "Yeah, get dressed, takin' ya' back to Mesa for breakfast."

"Good, I'm starving." Going to the bathroom I took a quick shower, then got dressed.

Mac had the truck windows rolled down. One arm was out and the other was on the steering wheel with a cigarette place between his hands.

He reached his hand over after throwing out his cigarette and rubbed my belly. "Gettin' a lil' chubby, kinda cute." He mentioned. 'If he knew I was pregnant he'd think different.'

"I guess so. Do you mind it?" I asked. "Nah, don't really care if you get chubby, cause yer' still sexy." He smirked while we pulled into Luna Mesa.

Walter was standing at the front door with a towel over his shoulder. "Whatcha doin' out here old man! Get back inside, do yer' job." Man spat to his father.

Walter chose to ignore his sons comments. "Mary," he quietly greeted me.

"Hi," Inside Mac had his usual seat and I took mine next to him. "Get her some breakfast," Mac demanded Walter.

"I'd like to know when you're going to start paying." Walter eyed Mac who was chewing on his thumbnail. "I'm not. I'm yer' son, shouldn't have ta' pay."

Walter sighed in defeat and headed back to the kitchen. "Why are you so harsh on your father?" No one deserved to be treated like that. "He's an asshole," Mac growled.

"But he's your family." I stated. "Yeah, and family don't mean shit to me." I was taken back. If Mac didn't care about his father, or his brother, what's going to make him care about this baby?

"You sure about that?" I asked him. "Fuckin' positive." He said confidently. "What about in ten years when you have kids?" I asked, hoping that he wouldn't catch on to my hint. I wasn't ready to tell him.

"Ain't havin' no kids. Little bastards are annoying." I knew he wouldn't want it. "Oh," I didn't say anything after that. I ate my food that Walter cooked and thanked him. "Goin' out to smoke." Mac told me.

When he left I looked up and Walter was staring at me. "Does he know?" Walter asked. I was confused, "know what?"

"That you're having a baby. I can tell by the way you eat. You're hungry, but he's starving you to death. One meal a day isn't good for you, or that baby. If he doesn't know yet, you need to tell him or you're going to hurt yourself." Walter preached.

I sucked in a shaky breath. "I can't tell him. He just said he didn't want any kids and that kids are annoying and family doesn't mean shit to him. So why should I have to worry about a baby that he won't love?" I ranted.

"Because you love it. Even if he doesn't, you do. And you don't have to not care just because my ass of a son doesn't." Walter was right. I loved this baby, even if Mac didn't. I don't want this baby to go through a life of pain and suffering though.

"I'm getting an abortion," I spoke up. Walter had eyes as wide as saucers. "No! I will not allow that!" He almost yelled. "I need to. If I don't Mac will just hurt me so it dies anyways, he doesn't want it." I growled.

Mac came back inside and we stopped talking. "I'll make you another plate." Walter said.


Mac had some spare cash to spend and sent me into the grocery store while he napped in the truck.

I went through the isles and got cans of soup. I picked up some cereal, milk, eggs, bread, the basics. I grabbed some vegetables and a little bit of fruit. Going past the chip isle my stomach growled.


I took a risk and walked down the isle knowing I wouldn't leave it without at least one bag of chips. Luckily, they had potato chips on sale and I picked up two bags.

Before heading to check out I needed one more thing. Going to the small feminine section I grabbed a pregnancy test. I knew I was pregnant for sure, but I needed to take the test, just for the sake of myself.

I checked out and the woman at the register glared at me when she seen the test. I ignored her and walked out to the truck. I put the test in my purse so Mac wouldn't see it.

I pecked on his window and he jumped up, still not fully awake. On the way home my leg jumped up and down. "The fuck ya' jumpin' for?" Mac asked. "No reason." I said calmly.

The second we got home I went to the bathroom and took the test. Surely enough, it said positive. I sighed and put the test in a box and threw it under the sink.

"Babe! Make me some dinner... Please?" He asked holding the remote in hand. "Sure," I whispered. I went out to the kitchen and cleaned up the mess that accumulated over the week we didn't have electric, then started on dinner. I made some soup and called for Mac.

I had a rather large bowl for myself. I couldn't help it though, I was just so hungry. Mac ate quickly and went back to the couch. I put the dishes in the sink and headed to bed. "Goodnight." I said kissing his cheek. "Goin' to bed alright?" Mac asked. "I'm tired, and I don't feel so good." I mentioned.

Mac looked a little upset, he probably wanted to fool around, but I couldn't right now. I didn't feel like having him touch me and kiss me. If he wasn't man enough to have a baby with me, then he wasn't man enough to touch me. How could someone impregnate a girl and not want the baby, but still be able to fuck her knowing that it could happen? I'd never understand men.


💜Questions: 1: Will Mac find out? And if so, how? 2: What do you think his reaction would be? 3: Will Mary keep the baby?


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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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