Chapter 3: Luna Mesa

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Robert parked the van in front of a bar/restaurant. It was in the middle of nowhere. As I stepped out I looked around at all the mountains and seen how beautiful this place really was. "We're checking into that hotel," Robert pointed to the building across from the bar.

I looked up at the large sign on the bar.

"Luna Mesa." I muttered. A few vehicles sat outside. It was pretty late in the evening around six in the afternoon, so I expected many people to be showing up around here later. "Here's the keys." Diana said giving Matt a pair. "There's too rooms. One for Robbie and I, and you, Mary, Landon and Tyler share the other." My heart dropped to the floor. I wasn't ready to share a room with three college boys, let alone a horny one that tried flirting with me. But I had Tyler with me, I would be fine.

"We're rooming together!" Tyler said wrapping his arm around me. "I know, and can I talk to you?" I asked he nodded, but there were to many people around. "Alone?" Tyler got the hint and we walked away from our small group. "What's up?" He asked. "Well, last night in the van Matt put his hands on me and he asked me how old I was and he winked at me. He's making me really uncomfortable and I don't know if I should be sharing a room with him." I ranted.

Tyler put a hand on my shoulder. "I won't let him touch you." He said reassuringly. I hugged him tightly, "thanks Tyler."

"What shall we do?" I asked Robert. "I was thinking we could go into the Luna Mesa for a bit, have a bite to eat, look at a map and scout out our plans for tomorrow. Sound good?" He asked all of us. "I'm cool with it." I said. I made sure I had my wallet and purse then we headed inside.

As I walked in I could hear old acoustic music playing in the back ground. A Mexican man with a white beard walked over. "Hello, welcome to the Luna Mesa." He had a slight accent. My mind wandered off as I looked around the bar. Red Christmas lights hung on the bar where an older gentleman with a hat was drinking his beer.

"Mary?" I heard. I whipped my head around and Robert was right in my face. "Sorry, zoned out." I said. I followed them over to the table and we took a seat. Robert order everyone a burger and fries, but I like chicken fingers better, so he got me those.

I heard a small bell ding when another person walked in. He was tall and wore blue jeans with a blue flannel shirt and another red one around his waist.

He took a seat and yelled over to the man serving our food. "Hey old man, get me a drink!" His voice was raspy. I stared at him for a second and he glared at me in a way that made me shiver. The older man excused himself and got the angered man a drink.

"You guys want a beer?" Robert asked Landon and them. "Sure!" They all said. "Excuse me, can I get five beers." I started to eat my food and out of the corner of my eye I could see the man at the bar looking at me. And he was making it very obvious. I ignored him and he went back to drinking his whiskey.

About twenty minutes later Matt and Robert were trashed. I didn't like it when they got drunk because they were obnoxious and annoying. I finished my food and pushed the remains away. I heard the bell ring and the man from the bar had left.

I rested my head in my hand. "Hey Tyler, can I go to the van?" I asked. "Yeah, can you get my phone too, it's in the middle console." I nodded, "yeah." I picked up my purse and wallet, then walked outside. The warm air hit my skin and it was so peaceful out here.

I opened the van door getting my MP3 player and then my head smacked onto the floor. I tried to sit up, but a hand held me down, gripping my hair tightly.

"Don't say a word or I will fucking slit your throat!" A voice growled in my ear as I felt the metal blade on my throat. I nodded and they pulled me up, putting their hand around my mouth. "Which one is your bag?" They asked. I pointed to the pink duffle bag. "Is that it?" I pointed to the black backpack. "Grab 'em both." I reached in and grabbed them both.

The person threw them on ground. He turned me around and I finally got a good look at him. It was the man from the bar.

He stuffed a cloth in my mouth, and tied my hands together with rope. He lifted me over his shoulder and shoved me inside a red truck. I kicked him trying to fight my way out. He grabbed my hair tightly and pulled back. "Yer a feisty little thing," he grunted and shut the door. I tried turning my body to unlock the door but I couldn't reach it.

I heard him throw something in the bed of the truck, probably my things. He got in the truck and started it up. I got on my back and kicked him straight in the face. He grabbed my legs with both hands and held them tightly, getting more rope. I cried as he tied my legs up.

They started to go numb from how tight he had them wrapped and he wasn't done. "That'll teach ya' bitch!" He said and rubbed his jaw where I kicked him. I tried to scream, but it was too muffled by the cloth.

I could taste blood and sweat on the cloth. Knowing if it was mine or not was a mystery. I think I had a gash on my head where he slammed my head down, but I'm not sure. All I felt was numbness all over.

He started driving down the road and all I could see what the inside on the truck since I was laying down. I couldn't move my legs since they were tied and my hands weren't moveable either.

We went off the main roads and I could feel us go onto another road. It was either gravel or dirt, because it was uneven and bumpy.

He parked the truck and got out. He slammed the door and left me alone. I tried to pull myself up, but I couldn't. I had no strength at all. I really regret not working out right now. I heard him approach my side of the truck. "Get up!" He yelled. I could move so he pulled me out of the truck, throwing me on the ground.

I felt the rocks dig into my back. He came over and lifted me up by my shirt. Dragging me inside I cried and tried to scream again. He dropped me by what looked like a generator, then started dragging me again.

He picked me up when we got to the steps and carried me inside; not very gently either.

As the man opened the door a stench filled my nostrils. It smelt like death, blood, and cigarettes. He pulled out a knife and cut my legs free. I went to kick him, but they wouldn't move, they only twitched and he laughed.

He pulled the cloth out of my mouth and tossed it aside. "Don't touch me! Don't you touch me you sick pervert!" I scream trying to wiggle my way out. I could feel the blood rushing back to my legs and it wouldn't be long until I could kick him where it counts.

"I told you to shut up!" He slapped me across my face. "Get to fuck up!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. My legs weren't stable yet and I tumbled over on to the floor. The man picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

He carried me through the kitchen and back to a bedroom. I assumed it was his. His bed was all white sheets with a veil over it. He threw me down and went over to the window shutting it and locking it. He pulled the curtains shut and turned to look at me. "You're a pretty little thing... Too bad you won't last after tonight." He pulled my legs down and I felt him start to tie them to the bed.

He sat me up and untied my hands. I instantly started screaming and pushing him away from me. He grabbed my face and shoved his tongue in my mouth. It was disgusting, and I knew what he was going to do to me.

I bit down on his tongue and he pulled back. He raised his hand and slapped me across the face. He straddled himself over me and pinned me down by my wrist. He reached over and grabbed more rope. He had rope everywhere!

After tying my hands he stood up taking a deep breath. "Yer' a handful." He pulled out his knife again. "Gonna be fun to play with."

Picture is Mary.

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