Chapter 27: Feeding Time

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Mackenzie got to come home two days after I had her. Mac can't jeep his hands off her. He loves holding her and laying her in bed next to us.

I just got out of the shower and was laying in bed. Mackenzie was beside me on her back looking up and at.

"Hi baby... Momma loves you." I kissed her forehead just before Mac came back into the room.

"Here's the bottle." He tossed it to me and I checked the temperature on my hand. Sitting up in bed I wrapped Mackenzie up and held her in my arms. As I was feeding her, Mac slipped around behind me, so I was sitting between his legs. "Lean back babe," Mac said pulling me closer to him.

"When she's done I wanna hold her." He mentioned. "Mac! I just got her. You've had her more than me since we got home." I told him. I loved that Mac wanted to help and play with her, but I wanted to spend time with her too.

"Yeah because yer' sore and shit. I wanna help ya'." He said in defense. "Sure you do." I mocked before sitting Mackenzie up to burp her.

"How long ya' gonna be on yer' rag?" He asked. "A few weeks, I'm not sure. The doctor said it'll be at least two, maybe three weeks." I said looking back at him while patting Mackenzie's back.

"Damn. That's a long ass time without any pussy." I nudged him in the side and he winced. "Don't talk like that around her," I said.

"She doesn't understand yet anyways." He grumbled laying back. "But she will and I don't want her talking like that." Mac rolled his eyes and I lay Mackenzie back down to finished feeding her.

"Why don't ya' breast feed her? It'll be a nice sight for me and it's healthier than that shit. Plus that bottle shit is expensive." Mac complained. "Because my boobs are too sensitive and they're sore." Mac shook his head, "can't be that bad." He reached his hands around and squeezed my breast. A second later I leaked right through my bra and shirt.

"Mac! Look what your did!" I stood up from the bed and handed Mackenzie over to Mac while I changed my shirt. "Sorry babe." Mac smirked at me while burping Mackenzie. I was going to have a good time raising our baby with him.


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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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