Chapter 5: Breakfast

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Note: This story picks up after the movie. Hope you guys aren't too confused. Anyways, here's the new chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote!


Mac had left me tied to the bed again. He brought me bread, but of course I was tied up and couldn't eat it.

I really wanted some clothes on right now. I hated when he looked at me. I wasn't sure what this man had in store for me, but I was petrified.

Later on that night, I heard him pull into the driveway. He came inside and walked back to the bedroom; a gas mask on his face.

He pulled it off, hanging it up. "Didn't try to leave?" He asked. "No, I can't anyways. The rope is to strong." He took a seat on the bed beside me. "How many girls have you done this too?" I asked out of curiosity. He glared over at me, "what?"

"I said how many girls have you done this too?" He took a moment before answering, "few dozen."

I wasn't surprised. "Are they all dead?" He shook his head. "There's only one left alive and that's because her brother is an incest fuck."

"Her brother sleeps with her?" I asked. Mac laughed, "he does a lot more than sleep with her baby doll." He laid beside me in bed.

"How do you know she's alive?" I asked. "Because her brother is my half brother. The girl isn't my sister though, good thing too, because I fucked her."

"That's gross," I mumbled. "No it's not. Fuckin' is great, you'll learn soon enough. Be thankful that I hurt my back a few weeks ago or I'd be fuckin' ya right now." He rolled over on his side. "How'd you hurt your back?" I asked. "Tryin' to rape Devon's girlfriend, she pushed me off a cliff. Luckily I hit a ledge and didn't go all the way to the bottom, she did though. Serves her right, tryin' to kill me."

Mac didn't seem ashamed of anything he's done. "Are you going to kill me?" I tried not to let my fear slip out in my voice.

"I thought about it, but you're just to good to throw out." He ran his finger tips across the inside of my thigh.

I turned my face away from him, not wanting to look him in the eye. "Can I have something to eat?" I asked, looking back over trying to change the subject. "You'll eat when I say." He suddenly got angry, like I tried to defy him.

Mac got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When he walked out I shouted, "my brother is going to find me." Mac shook his head and laughed. "I do this a lot. They won't find ya'." He seemed positive with his answer.

He pulled out a small, silver tin and put his finger in it, then rubbed it in his gums. "What's that?" I asked. "None of yer' goddamn business." Mac spat.


My arms were numb now. Mac was sleeping next to me, after having his way with me for the second time. It didn't hurt as bad as last time, but I was still sore. Nothing he did was pleasurable to me. The sun was coming up and I couldn't sleep. I stayed up all night worrying about if he'd kill me, and I didn't want Mac to kill me.

I looked over at him and I wondered how someone could look so peaceful while they're sleeping, then wake up and be hateful, and cruel. Mac had some serious problems.

"Stop fuckin' starin' at me!" He said with his eyes closed. "Sorry," I mumbled. Mac sat up in bed and threw the blanket over my naked lower half. My stomach made a loud rumbling sound.

"Time for breakfast?" He teased. "Please? I'm starving!" Mac left the room leaving the door open. Twenty minutes later I could smell bacon. I'd kill for a piece of bacon right now. I hope he doesn't eat in front of me either because I'm literally starving.

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