Chapter 25: Little Baby Mac...

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I was four months pregnant now and we were going to find out the sex of the baby. I'm really surprised at how Mac has been treating me lately. He's really sweet and runs his hand over my stomach every time he passes me.

"I want a boy, that way he can kick ass," Mac mentioned while driving to the doctors. "I want a girl, but a boy would be nice." I said not wanting to hurt his feelings. I didn't know what it was to be honest. Usually mothers say they can tell, I haven't got a clue.

When got into the room and the woman rubbed gel on my stomach.  She moved the camera around and pushed a few buttons. "There it is," she smiled to us. Mac was jumping his leg up and down while staring at the screen. "It's a girl, congratulations!" Mac reached down the cradle my face and kissed me before looking at the screen. "Wow, can't believe I made that baby," he breathed out still a little nervous.

"We're having a girl!" I said that night in bed. Mac and I were cuddled up next to each other with his hand on my stomach. He mentioned that the thought of having a baby inside me that he made turned him on.

"I was upset, but no any more. I'm glad it's a girl. Now I have to worry about more boys tryin' to take her away. I'll get the fuckin' shot gun if anyone touches her." He growled. I giggled at his protectiveness. "That's how my dad felt baby," Mac scoffed and shook his head, "I'm yer' Daddy now baby," he growled in my ear, then started kissing my neck.

"Mac!" I squealed. "Not my name anymore. It's daddy, and I can't wait to have our baby." Mac got down and kissed the top of my stomach. "I love seeing you knocked up."

"Why?" I found being pregnant very stressful. "Fuckin' hot." He stated simply before laying down next to me.

"Do you have any names?" I asked. "Mmmmm," he grunted biting his nail. "I was thinking Alexis," I told him. "Nah, got somethin' even better. Mackenzie." He said proudly. "Like Mac, but with Kenzie?" I asked.

"Yeah, she'll have an M name like us, and part of my name. I like it." Mac smiled. "It's beautiful and I'm sure she'll be too." I kissed the tip of his nose and snuggled into his neck.


Sitting on the couch I felt my stomach. "Please Mackenzie... Let momma eat something." I haven't been able to keep my food down at all. All she wants to eat is pizza and chicken wings. I tried to eat some salad and it didn't sit well.

"Mac!" I yelled. He was in the bedroom right now setting up a crib for the baby. We still had a few months before she got here, but I wanted to be prepared and have everything we needed. "Hold on," he called back. I heard something drop to the floor. "You okay baby?" "Yeah, fuckin' crib is bullshit." He complained walking into the living room. "Why can't she jus' sleep in bed with us?"

"She can, but the crib will be for when we have our fun time." I winked, then cringed in pain feeling the sharp twinge of nausea.

"What's wrong?" Mac panicked. "She okay?" I nodded my head. "I just feel really sick today. She won't let me eat anything healthy. All she wants it junk food." I said taking deep breaths.

"Already like her Daddy," he smirked. "It's not funny. I'm sick because of it." Mac just shrugged and walked away to the kitchen. "Are you making pizza?" I asked him hearing the oven open. "Fuck yeah I am. She wants pizza, ima give her pizza."

"Mac, you don't know what she wants." I laughed at how he though he was the mother and knew exactly how to fix every problem that came up.

"I know what I would want, and she's jus' like me from the sounds of it." Mac loved how he had bragging rights about how the baby 'acted' more like him by eating junk food and because she had his nose in the picture we got the other day. But I tried explaining that all of that could possibly change in the future.

I'm just happy he wants to be part of her life.

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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