Chapter 28: First Day of School

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"Damn woman..." Mac groaned out as I was currently licking up and down his shaft.

"Fuck yes... Babe." He moaned out a bit too loud considering that Mackenzie was in the room next to us. Mac had finally finished the expansion he was building for the house. I'm glad to because Mackenzie kept asking us 'why Daddy was hurting Mommy?'

Mac and I had no idea what she meant, until she told us what she heard. Apparently Mac and I had gotten a little excited in the middle of the night because she heard me moaning 'yes Daddy!' and 'right there.' Over and over again. Mackenzie thought that because I was moaning, Mac was hurting me. Which was the complete opposite. The worst part was she told my mom and Robert when they came to visit. Mac really got off on me calling him Daddy, and I found it cute knowing he was so kinky.

I continued sucking up and down Mac's shaft. Letting my mouth slowly take all of him. He gripped my head, forcing me to stay and choke on his cock.

"Fuck!" He growled flipping me over so he could hover over me. He slowly dipped into me, teasing me. "How's it feel to be teased?" He mocked. "Please, Mac. Fuck me!" He lowered his head and bit down on my nipples while quickly moving in and out of me.

After our climax Mac rolled off me. Looking over at the clock, it was time for Mackenzie to wake up for her first day of school.

"I'll go get her," I said sitting up. "Ima do it, I wanna see her face when she wakes up." Mac said jumping over me. "Lay back down," he kissed me briefly before going to get Mackenzie.

I slid on a pair of panties and a shirt before going to see Mackenzie. Going towards her room I could hear her talking to Mac. "And... And... All the people... And we're gonna have recess and learn." I smiled before walking in.

"Good morning sweetheart!" Mackenzie ran away from Mac and towards me. "Momma! First day of school!" She said. I crouched down to hug her tight. "I know. You excited?" She nodded her head before going back over to Mac.

"Can Daddy go with me?" She asked. "No sweetie, you have to go by yourself. But it'll be fun." I reassured her. I didn't want Mackenzie to be scared of going to school.

"But if anyone messes with ya' tell 'em yer' Daddy will fuck 'em up." Mac said pulling out a cigarette. I glared at him not wanting to teach Mackenzie those words.

He shrugged it off as I made breakfast for us. "Momma, am I gonna ride the bus?" She asked sipping her juice.

"Yes you are sweetie." I kissed the top of her head and served my two babies breakfast. I got my plate and Mac pulled me on his lap to sit.

After breakfast Mac and I took Mackenzie to catch he bus, that was after I put some pants on. "Bye bye momma!" Mackenzie gave me a kiss and a hug goodbye before jumping on Mac.

"Love you." Mackenzie said. "Love ya' pumpkin." Mac said back to her. Mackenzie told me goodbye and said I love you before stepping onto the bus.

"There goes my baby," I told Mac trying not to cry. I didn't want to send her out on her own, but I needed to let her go at some point in life.


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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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