Chapter 14: Adjustment

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My mom called us everyday, twice a day and Mac wasn't enjoying it at all. He never had parents that worried about him, so having people worry about him and I all the time was new. Mac claimed that I didn't them to worry because I had him.

Mac stopped using his meth and was returning to his normal self. He didn't hang out with Tanner, Frank and Bill anymore either. Mac fired them. He still cooks the meth because it's our only source of income.

My parents want Mac and I to come visit them soon, but we don't have money to go clear across the country. Mac finally got us real electric! So that's taking up some money. I quit school because I wanted to be home with Mac. I could've enrolled here at Cainville, but Mac's words were 'I don' trust them young bastards. Gonna take ya' firs' chance they git.'

I thought Mac was protective before but it was worse now. He dominated ever aspect of my life. I loved it.


"Wha' the hell is that?" He said pointing to the blue romper I had on. "It's my outfit for the day, isn't it cute? We look like twins!" Mac let his eyes travel up my legs. "Turn 'round," I slowly turned for him. "Get some pants on. I can see yer' fuckin' panties hanging out the back." Mac was over exaggerating with this clothing thing. He thought that if my pants had one hole in them, then I would attract the whole damn county.

I changed into a pair of blue jeans and tank top. "This okay?" He grunted wanting to get a move on. Mac had a large batch of meth to sell to some drug lords in Mexico. It was a one time thing. Mac worked really hard on this batch and is getting better with being around it. I've become his little handyman-girl. I weigh the meth and put it into individual baggies.

Mac won't let me know his special recipe because if he told me he would have to kill me.

"Those spics will be waitin' for us at seven. I'm bringin' my gun jus' in case thin's go bad." I was somewhat worried about this deal. Mac knew somebody, who knew somebody, who knew somebody, and that's how he ended up in the deal. We would make a large profit on this too. Almost ten grand, that's if everything goes as planned.

We got to the spot and like the Mexican's said they were there. Mac got out with confidence and I heard them talking a few words in Spanish. Mac being half Mexican himself knew the language pretty well. Mac handed over the drugs and the man handed over the money. They shook hands, that's when I knew the deal was over. As we drove away Mac looked over and smiled at me. "We're fuckin' rich babe!" He flashed a few wads of cash at me. "Ooh, can we get that fancy TV! And we get go grocery shopping!"


We got out new 48 inch flat screen television and it was a great addition to the house. Our place didn't look quite so shabby anymore. "Make them stakes tonight for dinner," Mac said pulling his jacket on. "Where you goin'?" He leaned down pecking my lips. "To the caves gotta clean up some shit. Devon's droppin' of Regina, so ya' won't be alone."

Regina! That girl is a lunatic.

"Seriously! She's so weird and annoying. She's always saying stuff about her and Devon's relationship!" He kissed me again. "I'll make it up ta' ya'." "Fine. Be careful." "Always am."

When Regina got here she took a seat on the couch staring at the TV. "Are you and Mac gonna have a baby?" I was a little taken back by the question. "No," "oh! Are you gonna get married?" "I'm not sure,"

Regina nodded and started talking to herself. It was creeping me out. "Mac touched me once." She blurted out. "I know." I didn't want to talk about Mac raping other girls, especially to one that he raped. "He gave me this mark, look?" She pulled back her hair giving me full access of her neck. "He gave me one too." I showed her mine with a little bit of pride.

"Mines better," she argued. "Whatever, crazy bitch." I muttered going to the kitchen and pulling the steaks out of the freezer. I got two cans of corn and some potatoes to make as well. "Can I help?" Regina asked coming to the kitchen. "No thanks, I got it."

I was hoping she'd go back to the living room, but instead she took a seat in the kitchen. "Devon gave me a hickey last week." Here we go with her sexual encounters. "Regina, I'd rather not-" "he didn't tie me up this time either. He told me I'm getting better."

I wanted to vomit in my mouth and couldn't wait for Mac to get home, because then she would leave. Hour after hour passed and dinner was almost done. Regina kept on rambling about things nobody cared about. I could hear Mac's truck pull in and whispered a thank you to the lord above.

"Mary!" Mac yelled. "Kitchen!" His boots stomped through the house as he came and wrapped his arms around my middle kissing me lightly. "Regina! Let's go!" Devon growled. "Was she good?" I nodded, wanting them to leave. "Good. Thanks Mac!" Devon said leaving. Mac went and locked the door behind them.

"Yer' parents called twice. I didn't answer." He said throwing the cell phone down on the table. "Mac! They're gonna shit!" I quickly dialed their number.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully.

"Why didn't you pick up?" My mother asked.

"Mac had the phone. Sorry."

My mom kept yapping about how she missed me and Mac was looking at me telling me to wrap it up. "Hey I gotta go. Dinner is cooking." I hung up the phone tossing it to Mac.

"Good god! What the fuck was she tellin' ya', a story?" I shook my head, "the usual. I miss you. When can we see you? How's your life? And I tell her it's the same as yesterday. Perfectly fine."

I served Mac dinner before grabbing my own. "Beer?" I asked him. He nodded as I grabbed him a cold one from the fridge and a water for myself.

"Thanks babe." We are dinner quietly, the sound of forks and knives hitting our plates being the only sound. "Regina was talking about you." I said when I finished. "Huh?" "About how you raped her and how you gave her a mark on her neck, yada yada yada! I was about to kill her."

He laughed, "no need ta' get pissed 'bout it. Was a long time ago. She's jus' some whore anyways. Plus I marked you up too." He leaned back in his chair stretching. Mac's new evening routine consisted of eating dinner then watching tv for a few hours.

I washed up the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. Going into the living room Mac was stretched out on the couch with his overalls pulled down to his waist and wrapped, his boots still clad on his feet.

I walked around seeing his eyes closed. Smiling to myself I bent down to take his boots off. He only stirred a bit before rolling over on his side. I headed for the shower, taking my time now that we had real electric.

After my shower I checked on Mac. He was still asleep and I didn't want him to wake up, or he'd be up all night. I decided to leave him a small note on the coffee table.

"You fell asleep. I'm in the bedroom. Love you!"

I got into bed leaving the door open incase he decided to wake up and join me. I hated sleeping alone, but sometimes it was nice to have the bed all to myself. At least I knew where he was.


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