Chapter 15: Jealousy

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"She's jus' a fuckin' druggie Mary!" Mac yelled at me. There was a girl in town, Hannah, she was another whore and a drug addict. I found her number in our phone last night and a message from her saying 'call me ;)'.

"I don't want you even talking to her!" Mac rolled his eyes. "Ya' won't be sayin' that when she gives me a hundred dollars for her next fix." I trusted Mac not to cheat on me, but with his past, I have my doubts.

"I'm sure that's not all she'll give you." She liked to pay for her drugs how most whores did, sex. "Fuck yew Mary. I'm goin' to the caves. Maybe when I come home ya' won't be such a bitch!" I let his words go one ear and out the other. He slammed the door on the way out, letting it swing back and hit the house with a clash.

I started feeling sick later on in the day. My throat got scratchy. My nose was stuffy. And to top it all off, I had an earache. I grabbed some Tylenol from the cabinet and took two, hoping it would get rid of the pain in my ear.

I crawled into bed waiting for Mac to come home and take me to the doctors. That's if he even would after our little spat earlier.

Mac didn't get home until nine, and the only place open was the emergency room. "Mary!" Mac called. I didn't answer, my throat hurt too much. He kicked our door open. "Damn, yew look like shit," he mentioned. "I'm sick you asshole!" I threw a pillow at him. "Stop being a bitch and tell me what's wrong?" He sat down at the edge of our bed rubbing my leg. "My throat hurts. I have an earache and my nose is stuffed up and I can't breath out of it."

"Ya' need to go to the doctors?" He asked. "Yes," "well get yer' shit." I stood up to put some clothes on. It was killing Mac because he wanted to touch me, but I was too pissed for that.

"So, did you see Hannah today?" I asked in a smart tone. "No, I didn't! I went to the caves then picked up shit from the next town over." I didn't like when we fought but it was unavoidable with Mac.

At the hospital they did the regular procedures. Heart rate, blood pressure, height, weight, what are your symptoms. The whole nine yards. They got me check into a room where Mac and I waited for the doctor to come in. "Still pissed?" Mac asked slouching in the chair. "Yup," I muttered. Mac scoffed and shook his head. "Stop bein' such a bitch 'bout it. I don't want her and if I did I would jus' fuck her and get it over with, not pussyfoot 'round and play her on. God Mary! I told yew I fuckin' love ya', what else ya' want from me?"

"For you to treat me better and not call me a bitch every second of the day. Or maybe be sweet and bring me flowers every once in awhile-" I stop talking when the doctor walked in. "Hi, I'm Doctor Marsh," he said shaking my hand then Mac's.

The doctor felt around my neck and my stomach. I could see Mac getting angry from the corner of my eye. Mac didn't like anyone touching me except him. Doctor Marsh checked my throat and diagnosed me with strep. I also had an external ear infection and my sinus's were congested.

I got a prescription for some antibiotics and a few painkillers for my ear. After we got my medicine Mac popped open the painkillers and took two. "Hey!" I smacked his arm. "Calm down! Haven't done anythin' in forever. Just a few pills." He argued. I learned that Mac is going to do what Mac wants.

As we got home I took the antibiotics and half a painkiller. I lay on the couch with ear drops in. Mac sat at the end of the couch, my feet on his lap. "We okay?" Mac asked. I shrugged. "I guess. It's been a bad day." I admitted. Mac nodded and rubbed his chin. "I ain't cheatin' on ya' Mary. Never would. Jus' wantcha ta' know that." I smiled at Mac. "I know, but sometimes you can't help but give into temptation. What if she makes a move and you follow?"

"I'd kill the bitch first. Nothin' but a nasty whore." I laughed and buried my face in the pillow. "I love you Mac." "Love yew babe." He got up and kissed me hard. I could feel his hands going to my pants ready to slip inside. "Mac! I can't. I'm sick and I'm not up for it." He sighed and pulled away. "Alright. Another day." He was very disappointed.

"You have two hands, take care of yourself." I laughed. "I jus' might." Mac lit up a cigarette taking a few puffs and blowing the smoke out. "You really are sexy." I blurted out. "Yeah? Ye' too babe. Nice thick thighs. Fuckin' love yer' ass." I blushed. Mac wasn't romantic, but I like his dirty comments.

"Tell me more?" I teased. "I wanna rip those panties off, have you sit on my face. Wanna taste that pussy babe. Would fuck you so hard, so good. Ya' would be screamin' my name." I wasn't in the mood for sex, but this was turning me on. "Okay, we need to stop." I pressed my legs together hoping to ease the throbbing. "Gettin' wet?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah," I breathed out, "So stop."

Mac scoffed and focused on the TV in front of us. I slowly let the feeling of arousal leave me. My ear didn't hurt as bad but I kept the ear drops in just to be safe. I took another antibiotic and painkiller around midnight.

Mac was taking a shower, surprisingly, when I walked into the bathroom. "Babe?" I called. "What?" He grumbled out. "I'm turning on the sink so be prepared for cold water." He quickly opened the shower curtain and jumped out. "No need too." Mac smirked.

He wrapped a towel loosely around his waist. I admired his body as I brushed my teeth. Watching him stretch and his muscles flex really made me horny again. I wouldn't mind doing it, but I wasn't feeling good physically.

I changed into my night shirt and a new pair of panties before crawling in next to Mac. "Love yew babe," he whispered in my hair. "Love you." I arched my neck and peck his lips before falling asleep.

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