Chapter 22: Small Bump

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Getting out of the hotel bed my legs were sore. Actually, my whole body was sore. Mac really did a number on me last night and I couldn't even move.

Walking to the bathroom, I seen the bruises on my body as I passed the mirror. The bite marks on my thighs and the hickeys that littered my chest. I could see the small bump forming on my stomach. I had to tell him.

I jumped when I saw Mac standing behind me using the toilet. "Don't scare me like that." I told him placing my hand on my chest.

"Sorry. Get back in bed anyways. It's early." He mumbled. I looked at the clock and it was almost eleven.

"Mac, it's almost noon." I laughed. Mac loved sleeping in until two or three. "My point exactly." He groaned picking me up and carrying me to bed.

While Mac was sleeping I took the time to cuddle up next to him and enjoy the security of being wrapped in his arms. I let my fingers trace over his biceps. They were literally the hottest thing I have ever seen in my whole life. Mac didn't think of himself as attractive, but he liked the brag about his dick and how good at sex he was. I will admit I praised him some too, just to boost his ego.

Our phone on the stand started going off. I got up quickly and answered it.


"Mary? Where are you?" It was my mom.

"We're at the little hotel off the exit 9," I whispered trying not to wake the sleeping beast that was in bed.

"Robert and I will be there later. Bye, love you."

I heard the phone click and the call ended. I crawled back into bed and watched the clock move minute by minute.

I don't remember how long I stared at the clock, but I was brought out of my trance by knocking on the door.

I stood up wrapping a sheet around myself. Opening the door my mom and Robert stood there with two plates of food.

"Since you missed dinner yesterday we brought you each a plate." My mom spoke. I let her inside the room and closed the door. Mac was sprawled out on his stomach, the sheet resting at his hips.

I warmed up my plate and started to eat. I was very hungry since I didn't eat since yesterday morning.

"How's dad?" I asked her. "He's a bit better. He feels bad you know, about yelling at you." She said softly. I let my fork drop to my plate dramatically. "Ha! And he doesn't feel bad about slapping me?"

"He only did that because you were swearing and I agree with him that you shouldn't talk like that." My mom was getting defensive of my dad now.

"Okay, but I'm not coming back. Mac and I are leaving today." I said leaning back in the chair.

"Well we love you." Robert spoke up. "I love you too." I stood up and hugged them goodbye. I loved my family, but I was ready to go home to Utah.


"Jesus Christ!" Mac yelled when we got home. The electric got shit off due to not paying the bill. All our food was spoiled and not to mention that it would be fucking freezing outside tonight.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked quietly, not wanting to anger him more. "Hell if I know. I'll just have to sell some more meth... and get the money." He fumbled with his hands and I could tell he had absolutely no idea for what we were gonna do.

"It'll be alright, it always is." I reassured him kissing his cheek. He nodded and we sat down on the couch in the dark.

The very next morning when I woke up Mac was still awake. He was making phone calls all night long trying to find someone to buy a bit of meth off him until the phone died.

"Get dressed. I'm takin' ya to Devon's. I have to go sell this shit. Plus he's got electric for you to shower." I quickly ran to our room and grabbed a clean change of clothes. Mac drove me down the road to Devon's and dropped me off.

"Love ya'." He yelled out the window to me. Walking up to Devon's front door I didn't even get a chance to knock before the door opened.

Regina was standing in her bra and underwear smiling at me in a creepy way. "I'm happy that I can spend the day with you." She whispered. "This wasn't by choice." I told her. She probably didn't even understand me anyways. Lately, Devon has had her so fucked up on drugs that she hardly knew her own name. Devon was always drinking too, so they were both a fucked up incest couple.

I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I didn't want Devon to walk in on me or Regina. I didn't trust Devon. He was weird and made me uncomfortable. If he was okay raping his sister, what wouldn't stop him from raping me?

The small window in the bathroom would allow me an escape route if things did go bad, but I don't think Devon has the balls to touch me because of he did, Mac would snap his neck in a second and not think twice about it.

I checked the bathroom at least a hundred times while I was showering. Always sticking my head out to see if anyone somehow snuck in.

I was lucky today and nothing bad happened. I got dressed and dried my hair with a towel. Walking out to the kitchen Devon was drinking coffee while sitting on the counter.

"Mac gone?" He asked. "He'll be back soon." I said and walked outside to get some air. I could see Regina looking at me from the window. Devon didn't ever let her outside. He was more fucked up than Mac in my opinion.

I stayed outside for awhile and then headed inside when Regina asked me if I wanted to eat.

Devon made my plate for me and I eyed him suspiciously. "I'll make my own food." I stood up and fried two eggs. I heard from Mac once that Devon puts the sedatives in Regina's food. I wasn't taking any chances.

After making my own meal and eating, I felt better. I didn't feel so dragged down and tired anymore. I was still figuring out what I was gonna tell Mac when he got back. How do you tell someone who can't love easily, and never had anything in his life that his sixteen year old girlfriend is pregnant?

🙁I'm not in the greatest of moods, but if I update more frequently it's because now I have nothing in life to do anymore.

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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