Chapter 18: Apartment E3

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Mac slept on the couch that night. He was so upset I didn't believe him that he cried himself to sleep. He was just to manly to admit it. I could hear him all night long weeping and I felt so bad. I wanted to go out, hug him and apologize. But, I still didn't know if I believed him. I had to go to the source.

Hannah. She would know exactly what happened and from meeting her the other day she didn't seem like a person to sugarcoat things.

After Mac was sound asleep I snuck out the window and ran down to Devon's house. Surely he'd have some information about it.

I knocked on the door a few times and Devon came to the door his hair ruffled and sleepy eyes. "Mary?" He questioned. "Hey, I need a favor?" I asked. "What? Mac not home yet?" He asked yawning. "He's home, but this is more personal. Do you know Hannah?" Devon thought for a second before answering.

"Orange hair, tattoos?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah I know her. She's one of Mac's buyers." "Where can I find her?" I asked quickly. "She stays at that cheap apartment complex... Old Joe's I think." He said scratching his head.

"Can you take me there?" I asked. Devon turned to look at Regina who was standing behind him like a lost puppy dog. "Yeah. Come on Reggie."

On the way to town Regina kept mumbling something about drugs and I couldn't understand a word of it. "What's wrong with you?" I asked her harshly. "Mac... Hannah. She gave him the drugs." I didn't completely understand that sentence. I assumed that she was trying to tell me that Mac sold drugs to Hannah.

We pulled up to Old Joe's. "Here, take this. Mac's already gonna have my ass for taking you here, and he might be less brutal if you have this." Devon opened the glove department and handed me a knife. "There's some sketchy people around here. Be careful." I nodded and told Devon thanks before hopping out. I went around from door to door asking if they knew where Hannah lived. I finally got a hit when another druggie told me where she was.

Apartment E3

I ran up to the second floor. I was hesitant to knock because I was slightly afraid of what might happen. I tapped twice.

A moment later she opened the door. "Oh it's little Ms. Mary, can I help you?" She asked imitating me from earlier.

"I wanna know what happened between you and Mac!" I demanded. She stepped outside like she was ready to fight.

"Mac and I fucked what more do you want? The condom he used? The video?" She smirked and crossed her arms.

"There's a video?" I choked. "Mhmm." My hands were starting to sweat and I was shaking. "Mac said he never touched you and stole that stuff out of his truck." I said calmly.

"Well yeah I stole his wallet. But the boxers he left her a few months ago." She said like I was stupid. A few months ago? "how long ago was that?" I asked her. She furrowed her eyebrows together. "Uhh... About... May, maybe June."

Mac didn't kidnap me until mid June. "So you haven't slept with him recently?" I questioned. "You talk a lot. But, no. I just wanted to mess with you, but we did fuck. And I was drugged when it happened." She admitted looking around.

"Oh... Don't act like you don't know. I know about the rapes and murders. I was gonna be his next victim, that was until he saw me as a money maker. I could buy from him with cash... something he needed badly. I usually sleep around, but that's too much work." I bit my lip nodding. "So he's telling the truth." I muttered.

"Mac wouldn't cheat on you, but he did lie about not sleeping with me. So you can tell him I told you that. And we didn't make a video. I just like seeing you mad. Now go home, I was in the middle of my TV show." She walked back inside and slammed the door in my face.

Hannah wasn't that bad of a girl. Yeah she's a slut, who's addicted to meth, but it could be worse. She could've slept with Mac, and she did, but it was before we met.

I started walking back home with the knife clutched firmly in my hand. I was hoping that no one would bother me and just keep driving. "Where the fuck have ya' been!" I heard behind me from an approaching truck.


"Away from you. You're a lier Mac." I kept walking away from him. Mac parked the truck and started running towards me. "What! Huh? Ya' went to Hannah? Yes I fucked that cunt. Yeah I drugged her! So what? Past is in the past." He growled. "Oh yeah, well why didn't you just tell me instead of saying 'oh I never touched her' or 'I would never touch that slut' Huh Mac? Answer that!" I gave him the finger and pushed him away.

"Because I love yew and didn't want yew to get hurt. I knew if I fuckin' told yew, you'd get jealous and shit." He yelled. I stopped dead in my tracks. Love. For some reason every time he said that my heart fluttered and it felt as if I was floating. Almost anything could be forgiven with an I love you.

Mac has come a lot further than I expected. He's working on his emotions which I'm proud of and I know that he only says he loves me when he means it.

I turned around and faced him. "I love you too, but I'm still pissed at you!" I walked back over to the truck and hopped in. Mac got in a few seconds later and we drove home.

Before we went inside I turned to him. "You're still sleeping on the couch."Mac smirked and nodded. "At least I got ya' back. That's all I care 'bout." He rubbed a hand up and down my back. "Night babe." He said while opening door. "Night."

That night when I was in bed I missed his warm body behind mine. I craved to feel the heat radiating off his body. I stood up and went to the living room where Mac was sitting up with his boots on the table. "Mac?" I called. He arched his neck and looked at me. "What?"

"Can you come lay down with me, it's cold." I rubbed my arms. I heard Mac grunt and he stood up. When he got to me he wrapped me up in a hug. "Go get in bed. I'll lock the doors."

I scurried back to our room. The air was getting cooler as the months went on and Mac didn't want to run the heat because of the bill price. I heard him walk in and strip down to nothing but his boxers. He crawled in behind me and I reached back grabbing his hand to place it over my waist and let it rest on my stomach.

"Thank you," I whispered to him. He chuckled behind me. His warm breath against my neck. "Mhmm, thank ya' babe. I hate sleepin' on the couch. Fuckin' sucks." I laughed and squeezed his hand. "You can sleep with me anytime you want."

Mac growled in my ear. "Not like that you horny dog!" I playfully slapped his hand. "I want ya' so bad right now." He whispered while placing a single kiss on my collarbone. "I'm too tired right now. Tomorrow morning." Mac sighed of course and nuzzled his face in my hair. "Can ya' jerk me off?" He asked. "No Mac." I said sternly. "Blowjob?" "No Mac."

"Can I jerk myself off?" I rolled my eyes and pulled the blankets over my head. "Whatever you wanna do." I answered. Mac got out of bed and took the phone with him. He had some nude photos of me that he took awhile back and I figured that is what he's going to use.

A few minutes later he came back out with his breathing erratic. "Better?" I asked him. "Hell yeah."

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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