Chapter 6: Babe

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Mac didn't do what he promised. He didn't do anything at all to be honest. He just tied me to the bed and went to sleep beside me.

I didn't sleep last night so I took this as my chance to sleep. I sleep with a fan and it's different not having one, but you have to make due with what you got. I got comfortable and closed my eyes, trying not to think about my sore arms or how disgusting my body was.

I just wanted Robert to find me. I'd even be happy to see Diana right now, despite how much I dislike her. I really need to get out of here before it's too late.


I woke up and Mac was still asleep beside me. He was only wearing his boxers so I assumed he woke up and changed.

I wiggled my arms a little, hoping he'd wake up. I kicked my foot hitting him in the leg and making him groan, "What?" I wiggle a little more, "can you untie me? Please?" Mac sat up in bed, taking a knife from his stand and cutting me loose. "There, go the fuck back to sleep. To early for this shit." He growled laying back down pulling a pillow over his face to block out the sun.

I couldn't believe he wasn't watching me. I slowly slid out of bed putting one of his shirts on.

My stuff was dumped out all over the floor on the corner. He must've went through it all last night. I sat down on the floor and picked up my clothes, folding them neatly and place them back in my suit case. I really needed a shower and Mac was asleep so I don't see a reason why I couldn't get one right now.

I stood up off the floor bring a pair of clean clothes with me to the bathroom. I turned the water one letting the water go to the temperature that I liked. I took Mac's shirt and pants off and piled them in the corner. I reached behind me to unhook my bra when a cool blade ran up my back. "I got it," Mac whispered. I shivered and took a deep breath.

Mac ran the knife up my back finally cutting both straps and the back. He grabbed my hips and pulled me back against him. "We should shower together, save water," he said pulling his boxers off and stepping into the shower. I used my hands to cover up my now bare chest. "Hurry up and get in, don't got all day." I didn't comply and he pulled me into the shower, my body instantly getting chills as the water ran down my back.

Mac started washing his body off very quickly. I looked down at the water running off my body. It had a reddish tint to it. "Ye gonna get cleaned up or am I gonna have to do it for ya?" I shook my head and grabbed the washcloth. My arms rested at my sides as I scrubbed hard at my skin, ridding myself of all the dirt and blood.

I reached around Mac to grab the shampoo and he pulled me against him, making he slip and have to latch onto his body to keep from falling. He grabbed my throat and shoved his tongue in my mouth. My hands were squeezing his biceps.

His well toned biceps.

I stopped thinking like that and gasped when he wrapped and arm around my waist, lifting me off the shower floor.

I was so conflicted right now. I liked the way he touched me. It was still forceful, but not aggressive like last time. I should tell him to stop, but I didn't want to. God please forgive me of my sins.

He started sucking on my neck. It felt good. So, so, good! He would nibble and bite down hard. Some places he would suck for so long that they got sore and I had to tell him to stop. "Mac," I breathed out. "It hurts, please stop." The easier went away and turned into pain. I guess he couldn't be gentle. He took another bite at my neck, and my skin broke.

He pulled away and had blood running down his lips and on his chin. "Get cleaned up," he said before stepping out of the shower.

I placed a hand in my neck. I moved my hand and it had blood on it. I quickly washed my hair and rinsed so I could get out. I grabbed a towel that was sitting on the rack and looked in the mirror.

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