Chapter 26: Hard Work Pays Off

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"Just take a deep breath... Good." Right now I was in the hospital about to give birth. I started having contractions a few hours ago and I knew it was the baby. She was ready to come out.

"You'll do fine. I'm right here," Mac whispered in my ear. He was pleased that I had a male doctor, but I was in so much pain right now that I didn't give a fuck who saw. I refused the epidural mostly because a lot of women suffer back pain afterwards.

"Your water broke," the doctor said after examining me. It felt like I peed, but I knew that wasn't the case. "Ready... We're gonna start pushing and I want you to put all the pressure on your pelvic area, like your straining." He said. I nodded and Mac was leaning beside me, holding both my hands with his.

"I'm sorry if I break your hand."
I apologized. "Don't worry babe, we got this." He cheered. "Take a deep breath in... And push."

I couldn't understand how people that pregnancy was beautiful. I haven't ever felt so much pain in my life. "Fuck!"

"Shhh, babe. Ye' can do this. I got faith in ya'." Mac said. "Shut up!" I yelled to him. He shook his head and I pushed again.

I kept pushing and pushing until I heard the doctor talk. "That's it! I see the head. Ready and push!"

I squeezed Mac's hand as hard as I could but he didn't seem to mind or even notice. "Almost there. I got the shoulders. Come on!" "Get her the fuck out!" I cried. I was tired of pushing. I just wanted my baby and for this to be over.

"There you go!" Mac cheered when I finally got our girl out. "Shes beautiful babe. Look, she's got dark hair like ya'." Mac smiled when the nurse placed the baby on my chest.

"Hey babes," Mac said sweetly to our precious bundle of joy as she was crying on my chest.

The nurse took Mackenzie to clean and weigh her while I filled out paperwork giving her the proper name.

Mackenzie Miracle Rodriguez

I was against Miracle, but Mac insisted on it because the chances of him and I being together again was a miracle and Mackenzie symbolized it.

Mac was waiting at the door impatiently for the nurse to come back. I was resting a bit, exhausted from many hours of labor.

"Sit down Msc, they'll bring her back. Probably just testing her and stuff?" He immediately got worried. "What the fuck does that mean? They better not be testin' my baby."

I rolled my eyes. He was crazy, but I loved that he actually cared. "Mac, they are just checking for any problems. Like if she's sick and whatnot. She's fine." I told him. "Now come sit down." Mac eyed the door before sitting on the bed next to me.

"How do ya' feel?" I shrugged my shoulders, "sore and really tired, but I want to hold her before I nap." I said. "I'm holdin' her first." He argued. That wasn't happening. I pushed her out I want her first. "No, Mac. Let me hold her, then you can have her while I sleep." I said.

"Alright! How's the momma feeling?" A nurse asked holding my baby Mackenzie.

"I'm okay." I said. "Well, we have to do some test on you and give you some medicine, then you have to stay for a night or two before going home. But, in a few hours you'll be able to eat. And right now, it's time to feed your baby." The nurse handed Mackenzie over to me and placed her on my chest. I smirked at Mac knowing I got her first.

The nurse taught me how to feed her with the bottle, and burp her. After I held her for awhile, Mac was itching to get ahold of her.

"Yes Mac," I said moving over on the bed. He lay back next to me and I placed Mackenzie in his arms. It was a sight to see.

A man with a blue jumpsuit and wild hair with an overgrown beard holding a sweet baby. Mac looked so... Loving. I haven't ever seen him like that before.

"Hey baby. Yer' a little chubby thing aren't ya'. All fattened up from that pizza." He smiled talking to her. Mac looked over at me, then back to her. Then to me and to her. "She's got your chubby cheeks, and hair. But she has my eyes." He mentioned holding her close.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" I took a peak at her behind the cocoon she was wrapped in. I saw her sucking on her thumb. When Mackenzie looked up at Mac and I she smiled. It brought tears to my eyes.

I don't need anyone to ever pray for me or Mac ever again. Because I have everything I could have ever wanted right in front of me and it was perfect.

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Don't worry, it's not over yet. There will be a few more chapters posted to tomorrow before the holidays and that'll be it!

Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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