Chapter 13: A Change Of Mind

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Today was it. We would hear what the jury had to say about our case and if Mac was guilty or not. I prayed last night for the first time in months. I was the only one praying for me because everyone else wanted him stuffed and cuffed. Nobody prayed for me, I don't think Mac didn't either, but he wasn't even religious. I think he's still pissed too.

"We hear by declare Mac Carlos Rodriguez.... Not guilty on the account-" I didn't care what else she had to say and turned around to hug him. He couldn't hug back but I was still happy to be touching him. "Mary?" John called. "What?" I looked over at the jury. "Mary, you are not to remain in contact with Mr. Rodriguez. Once you are over the age of eighteen this will be lifted."

Everything I just fought for was gone. Even though Mac was innocent I still couldn't see him for almost two years. I was about to protest when the judge declared the meeting adjourned.


I didn't get to tell Mac goodbye. Right after the court case the cops stuffed me in my parents car for the trip back to Virginia. Mac was being released tomorrow and I couldn't even see him. I don't remember leaving Utah, I just remember crying and crying and crying. My parents wouldn't speak to me and Robert was disgusted with me. Diana broke up with Robert and went home to her family.

We stopped for a hotel on Texas that night. It was the worst feeling ever not to be with Mac. I felt out of place, lost. I was meant to be back home with him.

We settled into our room and my parents went out to talk, taking Robert with them. I kept crying, hugging myself and imagining it was him holding me, not my lonesome self. "Mary?" My mom called. "We have something to tell you." I sat up prepared for a long bitching from them. "You can go live with Mac." Robert said.

"What!" I yelled. "I'm so confused!" My mom grabbed my hand. "Mary, you're my baby and I hate what he did to you, but nothing in this world makes me more upset than to see you like this. We want you to be happy." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "So I can go back?" I asked. "Yes, but you have to visit for the holidays, and you can't let anyone know of this alright?" My dad said. "Robert, you were so against-" "Mary Diana broke up with me and I feel so alone. I can't imagine how you feel, that's why I'm agreeing. Just take the offer before we change our minds." I was going back to Utah.


My parents took me to Mac's house and all the lights were off. I searched the house and he wasn't home. He was probably at the caves, but I didn't know my way there or I would've gone after him, so I decided to wait.

I sat inside Mac's house- our house waiting for him to come home.

I wanted to see him. I couldn't let that last day in court be the last time I ever saw him. Despite what my parents thought I needed him and they saw it. Without Mac I couldn't live. He was a part of me. He needed to take care of me while I took care of him.

Sitting on his bed I remembered all the times we spent. The first time he took advantage of me, the first time we made love, the first time we fucked, and the last time I got to spent a night wrapped in his arms.

Mac would forever and always be mine. I heard a car go by, and figured it was Devon and Regina going home. I ignored it and continued to wait for Mac.

The screen door shutting got my attention. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen.

There he was.

Blue overalls and a cigarette in hands. He looked up and held my gaze. "What ye' doin' here?" It wasn't the reaction I thought I would get.

I didn't know how to speak. I wanted to run and jumped into his arms, but he looked angry. "I-" "ya' what! Go home Mary! I kidnapped ya' ! I raped ya'! I beat ya'! I hurt ya'! Jus' get out!"

"I don't care about that! I forgive you! You didn't love me then!" I shouted. My eyes started to water and I don't know what I'd do if Mac doesn't take me back. I'd have to go back to Virginia and find the sweet church boy I once planned on marrying and get married to him and bear three children just to be normal. That was what the old me would want, but all I want now if Mac. I want his crazy, methed out, sexually frustrated self.

"I didn't love ya' when I first met ya'. Ye 'were just a piece of ass to take home! I never loved ya' at all. Yer' the reason I'm in this mess!" His eyes told me opposite of what he was speaking.

"That was when you first met me! What about after? Huh? All the lovemaking? The money? The sweet words? What was all that?" He smashed his cigarette out, "it was called being nice. I figured if I was goin' to keep ya' I'd need to make ya' wanna stay!"

"But you didn't have too! I wanted to stay the moment you took me away at the Luna Mesa. I was just too blind to realize..." I whispered out the last part, tasting the saltiness of my tears in my mouth as I spoke.

"Do ye' love me still?" He asked walking closer and closer with each word. I shook my head up and down. "Yes," he gripped my cheeks with one hand, bringing my mouth to his. I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling on it as he lifted me up roughly by my thighs, wrapping my legs around him. "I love ya' Mary." He whispered in my mouth.

"What do ya' want?" He asked walking towards the bedroom. "Fuck me," I whispered. "That's my girl."


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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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