Chapter 20: Family Gathering

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Pulling into my old driveway I was nervous, yet excited. I was nervous because I didn't know how Mac or my family would act. I was excited because I could see my family again.

As Mac parked the truck he looked over at me. "I'd rather not go in." He grumbled. "Mac..." I started. He complained the whole drive here about meeting my family properly. I knew he was nervous, but I didn't want that to let him feel less than them.

"I got you baby, please come inside." I begged. He scoffed and opened the door roughly before stepping out.

I got out as well and went to the front door. Knocking once, my brother answered quickly. "Hey!" He picked my up and spun me around. "Robert! Put me down." I argued. He let me go and I hugged him.

"Mom! Mary's here!" Robert yelled. I stepped inside pulling Mac along. He looked to the floor out of awkwardness and I grabbed his hand to let him know it was okay.

"Mary! I'm so glad you made it!" My mom wrapped me up in a hug. "Where's dad?" I asked her after we pulled away. "He's not here right now." She said quietly and I noticed the change in her voice.

"Oh, well this is Mac." I said introducing Mac to my family. Robert put his hands in his pocket and shook his head. "Hey,"

My mom gave a smile. "Go have a seat in the living room, dinner will be done in a few hours." I nodded and pulled Mac away from them. "Wanna see my old room?" I asked him.

"Sure," he mumbled. I led him up the steps to my room. It felt so weird being back here. A few months ago I thought I'd never see this place, then I never wanted to come back and here I am.

Mac sat down on my bed and lay back. "They hate me," he spoke. "They don't hate you. Their probably still a little... Upset about what happen with us."

Mac scoffed, "bullshit Mary. They'll never like me. I sure as hell wouldn't like the man that took my kid." I frowned. I hated that Mac felt so out of place. "Well I like you, and that's all that matters. And you're mine and I love you." I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arms around him as I got on the bed.

After laying with Mac for awhile he agreed to come downstairs with me. "Just be yourself." I told him again. "Yeah, like that'll help. Let me jus' kill 'em all now then." I elbowed him. My parents didn't need to know about him killing and raping other girls.

I went to the kitchen and smiled at my mom. "Can I help?" I asked. "Yes you can. Just start cutting up the potatoes." She looked at Mac and then to me. "Can I get you a drink Mac, we have beer." She offered.

"Beer? Since when do you drink?" I asked her. When I was living at home alcohol was strictly prohibited. "It's your fathers." She whispered.

"Sure, I'll take one." Mac said. My mom got him a cold one from the fridge and he opened it.

"So Mac, how's Mary doing? She never tells me anything." My mom laughed.

"She's fine. I like havin' her around." He admitted. I thought it was cute that my Mac had to engage in conversation with my mother.

"Really? Well I'm glad. I missed her so much." She stopped stuffing the turkey and kissed my cheek. "Mom," I whined.

"Are you close with your parents?" She asked Mac. He shrugged, "I don't know my mom, but I see my dad a lot. He owns a bar called Luna Mesa." Mac took a sip of beer.

"That's where he... Uh... Met me... The Luna Mesa." I tried to stop myself when I realized what I was saying.

Mac glared at me for bringing up the kidnapping in front of him. It's like confronting a cheating husband when his wife is in the room.

"Oh," my mother said not looking at either of us. "Sorry," I muttered to her. She looked up and smiled. "It's all done and over with now. As long as you're happy I don't care. I don't wanna know about any of that, it's in the past." She said.

It was in the past and there was no need to bring it up ever again.


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