Epilogue: All Grown Up

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Mackenzie is fourteen now. She was driving Mac insane with wearing makeup and dressing up for school.

"Don't tell Dad about my date tonight. He will kill both of us." Mackenzie explained while getting ready. There was a dance at the school tonight and I agreed to let her go and got her a dress.

"If he finds out that's your problem. I told you earlier to tell him," I told Mackenzie while curling her hair. "Hopefully he works late tonight." She whispered. "I don't want him working late... I want him home with me." I told her. Mackenzie didn't know exactly what Mac's job was, and I planned on keeping it that way.

"That's because you guys are together. If dad gets back before I get picked up then he'll ruin my night." She complained doing her lipstick.

"He will not." I told her. Mackenzie and Mac fought more than she and I did. I guess it was because they're both stubborn and won't take no for an answer.

"Oh no!" Mackenzie cried. "What's wrong?" I asked. She pointed out her window and Mac was pulling in the driveway. "Mackenzie just calm down. He won't ruin your night. If he asks just say you're going out with friends." I told her while she mopped in her chair.

"Babe!" Mac called when he entered the house. I heard the door slam behind him.

"I'm in Mackenzie's room!" I shouted back. I could hear Mac's books stomping back. "What's goin' on?" He asked pointing to our daughter. "She's going out with some friends tonight." I stated and saved Mackenzie from telling him. "Like hell she is!" Mac growled.

"Dad! Please let me go!" Mackenzie begged him. "Yer' not goin' out. I said so!" I grabbed Mac by his arm and pulled him to the living room. "Ye' two don't even talk to me 'bout this shit and think it's okay to send her out on her own?" Mac as furious that I didn't tell him.

"She's not going out by herself. It's her and a few friends. There's a dance at the school and she got a date. Please just let her go out and enjoy herself?" I begged him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Please, we'll have some alone time while she's gone and we can do whatever you want." I tried to reason with him even if it was with sex.

"If anyone touches her, I'll fuckin' slit their throat." He growled in my ear. "If they do then I'll be right behind you." I pecked Mac on the lips and went back to help Mackenzie get ready.

After finishing her hair and makeup she was ready to go. "Mom, they'll be here in ten minutes." Mackenzie was stressing out right now. It was her first dance, and her first date.

"Let's go show your dad!" I suggested. She rolled her eyes not wanting to show him. I dragged her out to the living room where Mac was on the couch.

"Mac look at our baby!" I squealed pulling him to stand. "Dress seems kinda short..." He mumbled, looking at me in a disapproving way. "All my friends have them." Mackenzie said.

"Whatever..." Mac sighed and sat back down. Mackenzie ran back to her room. "Mac, baby." I whispered sitting down beside him. "Tell her she looks pretty. She's really excited about tonight."

Mac stood up and headed to Mackenzie's room. I followed him to see what he would say.

"Hey sweetheart," he said sitting down on her bed. I stood at the door watching them. "Hi," Mackenzie growled.

"Ya' look nice tonight sweetheart... Just if anythin' happens make sure ya' protect yourself... Because if ya' get pregnant-" "Mac!" I shouted. Mackenzie wasn't interested in sex right now. Just because I was young when Mac took me doesn't mean she's going to be the same. I wanted my daughter to keep her innocence as long as possible.

"We love you," I told Mackenzie. Her friends came to pick her up. I was excited to meet this date that she had.

"Hi... Sir. I'm Seth." The young boy said to Mac. Mac didn't look to pleased with Seth. He had his arms crossed over his chest.

Mac nodded and I kissed Mackenzie goodbye. "We'll pick you up at eleven, alright?" I said to Mackenzie. "Here's some money," Mac said giving her thirty dollars.

As Mackenzie left Mac sat down on the couch and didn't say another word. After ten minutes I knew something was on his mind. "Mac, what's wrong?" He shrugged his shoulders and didn't look at me.

"Mac." I took the remote and turned the tv off. I straddled his lap and he turned away from me. "Please talk to me," I begged.

"What do ya' want me to say? My little girls all grown up and doesn't need her daddy anymore and all she cares about is her boyfriend." He growled and pushed me off him.

"Hey... Baby. Come here!" I pulled Mac back into my arms and let him rest his head on my chest. "She does need you, baby. She's just growing up and it's her first boyfriend, let her have fun." I told him while playing with his hair.

"If he fucks her-" "Mac! Mackenzie isn't going to have sex at a school dance!" He gave me a look like 'yeah right'.

"So now what? I have to wait three hours for her to get back?" He asked. "Well, you could wait. Or we could go to the bedroom and have some fun." I loved teasing Mac. I took my hand and ran it down his shirt. "Oh yeah?" He asked rolling onto his stomach. "Yeah, baby."


Mac and I went to pick up Mackenzie at eleven and she looked exhausted. "Did you have fun?" I asked her. "Yeah! I'm really tired though. I danced the whole time and I'm starving. Can we go to Wendy's?" She asked putting her seat belt on.

"Don't look at me," I told her. "Dad, can we?" He shrugged his shoulders, "whatever my girls want," Mac kissed the top of my forehead.

After going to Wendy's and grabbing I bite to eat we headed home. I helped Mackenzie change out of her dress when we got home. "Goodnight sweetie," I kissed the top of Mackenzie's head and shut her door.

Mac was already in the bedroom waiting on me to come in. I changed into an oversized shirt and crawled in bed. "Night Mac," I whispered kissed his chest. "Night babe, love ya'." "Love ya' too."


💙❤️💜💚The End💙❤️💜💚

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