Chapter 24: Wanted

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Two weeks went by and Mac still doesn't know. My stomach has gotten a tad bit bigger, and my jeans don't fit anymore.

I was currently on the couch with Mac, his hand across my side. We were watching TV and I was enjoying this calm moment between us.

"Regina wants to see ya' 'gain. I told that bitch to stop askin' about ya'." Mac said. I found it odd how Regina had some sort of obsession with me. She was always talking to me. Asking about me. She was odd, but what could you expect from a girl who's own brother rapes her constantly.

"She's a bit odd, but it's whatever." I said trying to focus back on the tv. Mac let his hand trace over my stomach and he immediately stopped.

"Damn," he mentioned. "What?" I was trying to play stupid. "Yer' really gettin' chunky. Probably jus' yer' period right? Ya' always get bloated beforehand." He stated. I could feel my heart beating in my chest. "Probably," I whispered out.

"What's wrong with ya'? Yer' actin' strange." Mac furrowed his eyebrows together and his eyes were peering into me.

"I'm fine, just tired. No worries." I smiled and kissed his cheek wanting to distract him. "Ya' bein' tired all the time does worry me..." He muttered.

"Aww baby," I kissed the tip of his nose. "I'm fine." Well, I would be fine in a few days after the abortion. 


Mac had left for the caves a few minutes ago and I had an appointment for the abortion. I called them a few days ago from Mac's phone and they said they would give me a call before I came in to check and reassure with me if I actually wanted it. But a call wouldn't be needed. I was going through with this. Did I want the abortion? No. Did I love this baby? Yes. Why was I getting the abortion? Because Mac doesn't want a baby.

I had Devon drive me to the clinic. He thought it was for birth control, but it was anything but.

"Hi there. I'm Dr. Logan. You're here to have an abortion?" She asked. Dr. Logan was tall and thin. She had pretty red hair with bright green eyes.

"Yes," I answered. Dr. Logan sat down next to me. "Are you sure about this?" She asked sweetly. "You don't have to do it, we have many programs that can help you stabilize a home for you and the child." She explained.

"I'm... Uh, sure about this. I need to do it." I breathed out. "Does the father know?" She asked. I shook my head, "he wouldn't want to know anyways." I whispered. "I'll be back in a bit, get changed and comfortable." She smiled at me while I stood up to change. As she shut the door, I put on the robe that was provided.

Sitting on the bed I looked at my belly. "I'm sorry peanut. I'm sorry that your Daddy doesn't want you and will probably never know you. I'm sorry that I have to do this, but momma loves you very much. You would have been a beautiful baby... I like thinking about if you're a boy or girl. But, either way I still love you. I hope you don't hate me when I do this, I need to do this. If I don't, then Mac is going to kill me. He doesn't want you and I'm sorry, but always remember that I did want you." I cried onto my stomach while slowly rubbing my hand over the bump.

I loved this baby too much to get rid of it. I heard someone clear their throat behind me. "Are you alright?" It was Dr. Logan. "I can't do this," I changed back into my regular clothes and put the robe on the bed. "I'm sorry, but I can't." I whispered while rushing out to the parking lot.

Getting in the car Regina was eating fast food in the back. "Mac called... He sounded pretty pissed." My heart sank to my stomach.

As Devon drove me home I was shaking. I knew Mac found out the baby, or worse the abortion.

Going inside Mac was standing up and leaning against the counter. "Have fun fuckin' yer' boy toy?" Mac spat at me. "What?" I asked.

"Found this under the sink!" He threw a box at me. It was the pregnancy test. "Yer' pregnant, and I know it ain't mine. We fucked fer' months and nothin' happened, then all of a sudden yer' pregnant... Oh and the fucking baby doctor called about yer' abortion. How'd that go huh? Fuck the doctor afterwards too?"


"No! I'm sick and tired of people treatin' me like shit because they think I don't care. Well, I do care. I care a fuckin' lot and now I find out ya' stepped out on me!" Mac was screaming in my face. His eyes were filled with tears as he turned away from me.

"It's yours..." I breathed out. "I didn't step out on you baby. I love you too much." I whispered to him, letting my own tears fall down.

"Bullshit!" He growled. "I'm serious! For once in your life can't you trust someone's word without proof?" I asked him. Mac needed to trust me more. I trusted him and never asked questions. But, the moment I say something I have to have physical proof. I can't prove my love  more than I already have.

"Ya' ain't stepped out on me?" He asked. "I never have and I never will. And if you don't believe me, so be it." I was sick and tired of trying to convince him to believe me.

"So it's mine?" He asked. "Yes, and I want it. So if you don't want it-" he cut me off, "I do want it."

"You want it?" I was shocked because form what he said a few weeks earlier. "Hell yeah!"


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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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