Chapter 11: Taken

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We returned home a few days ago after word from Tanner that the cops were gone. I was happy to be in a real bed again.

"Mmmm, so soft." He growled in my ear while gliding his fingers through my pussy. I was barely even awake and he already had me soaked. His teeth raked at my neck, sucking and biting. The pretty little scar he had left would forever be a reminder of what he'd done to me. He makes me feel so good, so damn good.

"Ya' wet baby? Want Mac ta' take care of ya'?" I moaned in reply as he sunk two fingers in me, searching for the rough patch inside of me that would cause the earth shattering orgasms that I have; my g-spot.

Words spilled from my mouth as he pleasured me. "Oh God... Shit baby, fuck yeah! Right there! Oh please Mac!" He kissed up and down my neck, loving the fact he had me shivering from his touch.

Our bedroom door kicked in and we both shot up in surprise. "Step away from the girl!" Mac raised his hands and I wrapped a blanket around myself. They had guns and were pointing them at us. "Mac Carlos Rodriguez, you are hear by under arrest from the state of Utah. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you can not afford an attorney one will be-" "No!" My ear shattering screeched stopped everybody. "Get him outta here!" The man said pulling Mac along in only his boxers. I knew this day would come, but I wasn't expecting it so soon. We were in the clear, no one knew who I was and that he took me. I didn't want to leave Mac, ever.

"No! Mac! Mac!" I pushed my way through the men and towards Mac. "Stop it! Let him go!" I was crying and screaming and crying and screaming. Over and over again. They were taking him away no matter what I said. "Get her to the ambulance." Another person said. They grabbed me and took me outside, I kept my eyes on Mac the whole time, watching his every move. A woman came and wrapped a thick blanket around me since the sheet I had was old and rugged looking.

"My baby!" I looked over and seen my parents yelling at me, along with Robert and Diana. I could careless about them right now, I wanted Mac. My parents and Mac were only a few feet from each other.

My dad looked at Mac, ready to kill. "That's my daughter you son of a bitch!" Mac scoffed loudly and everyone heard. "Don't worry pops! I took good care of her! Fucked her good. Ain't that right baby?" Mac smiled at me, making vulgar movement with his tongue. "Mac! I love you!" I screamed running towards him holding onto the blanket, I was almost able to touch home before the cops grabbed me. "I know baby, don' worry we'll get outta this." A few cops pulled me away from him and stuffed me in an ambulance while taking him in the police car.

My mom ran over to me, wrapping me in a tight hug. It was their fault that Mac wasn't fucking me senseless right now in our bed. "Don't fucking touch me!" I yelled pulling away from her. I was a little harsh after not seeing her for almost a year, but I was angry. "Dear Lord, what has he done to you?" My dad cried. I ignored his question and started to cry tears of my own.

On the way to the hospital they did a rape kit on me, which didn't make sense because I've been with Mac for a few months now. All traces of what he did early on would be long gone. They did the usual when you go to the hospital. Took my blood, weighed me, check my vitals. I was healthy, but I did gain a few pounds.

Sitting in the hospital bed with this pale blue gown made me sick. I wanted Mac and could only imagine what he was going through right now. The next thing I had to worry about was Mac going to prison. I heard a tap at my door and allowed whoever it was to enter.

It was my parents and brother, with Diana, and a new face I didn't recognize. My family took a seat around the room, while the new girl stood. "Hi Mary. I'm Sheryl Graham. I'm going to be your lawyer in fighting this case with Mr. Rodriguez. We will not stop until he's locked away for a very long time." Locked away?

"I'm not pressing charges. He didn't do anything wrong." I argued. "You're not in the right mind right now Ms. Davis. You need to rest now, tomorrow we will all go to the station for questioning." Sheryl left leaving me with my family. "Mary... What happened?" My mother grabbed my hand waiting for me to push her off again.

"Nothing," I mumbled. My mom reached her hand up to my neck. "Oh my gosh! What is that?" She ran her fingers over the hickeys and scar. "We fool around a lot," I said grinning and her face twisted in disgust. "Goodness! He is a sick man!" My dad yelled. "Get out, I'm not in the mood for this." My mom and dad left, leaving only Robert and Diana. "I'm really sorry about what happened," Diana said, leaving too. She didn't seem to remember what happened at Luna Mesa.

Robert sat down on the edge of the bed, playing with the sheets. "I looked that man right in the eye, and he told me he hasn't seen you. He lied right to my face." Robert mumbled. "He's gonna pay, I'll make sure of it." Robert got up and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


The conference room was cold, and I needed a jacket really bad, but the detective said not until I answer his questions. "How long were you with Mr. Rodriguez?" I rolled my eyes, "call him Mac and I'll answer." "Fine, how long were you with Mac?"

"Three, going on four months." He wrote on his notepad. "Did Mac ever hurt you physically?" "Yes, but most of it wasn't intentional." Detective Allen looked confused, "elaborate."

"Mac and I had sex... A lot actually. A few times a day. He was very rough and aggressive. It was very... Manly when we fucked. He had this dominant feel to him." Allen nodded, "what kinda of things did he do?" "Biting, grabbing, spanking. Simple stuff."

"Did he ever rape you?" I didn't answer. "Ms.?" I crossed my hands over my legs. "He did, once or twice, but then I fell for him..." Allen was shocked. "You fell for him? As in love?" I nodded. "Holy shit." He groaned getting up and exiting the room.


"You're telling me that she has Stockholm Syndrome!" Sheryl yelled pointing to me. "Yes, I am!" Allen yelled. "Actually I love him, it's not stock whatever. I really care for him." They both looked at me like I was crazy. "I don't know what to do! Her parents are fighting to put him in prison and their own daughter, the victim, is on his side with the states attorney!"

I decided to not stand with my parents. I would stand with Mac in saying he was innocent. Mac got an attorney from the state and he said since I am siding with Mac, Mac could win this. I was going to fight for Mac because I'm the reason they have to have this court case.

"Can I see Mac now?" I asked Sheryl. "Are you crazy? He's already brainwashed you enough I don't think-" "Enough!" Allen yelled. "Mary you may leave." I stood up and went to find my parents. They were waiting for me in the lobby.

Robert had rented a small house near the courthouse so my parents wouldn't have to travel as much. I, unfortunately, was staying there as well.

That evening when we had dinner, my mom wouldn't speak to me, nor my dad and Robert. "Are you going to hate me forever? So what? I fell in love with a guy who's twice my age. I love him, so get over it. I wouldn't ask Robert to break up with Diana if she was fifty!" My dad gave me a glare, and a harsh one at that. "Mary, you are sticking up for a man who abused you, raped you, and took you away from us." My dad was trying to make Mac seem like that bad guy, and he was, but I couldn't see it. All those things he did, I pushed them out of my head.

"He was very sweet to me. He loved me no matter what." Robert slammed his fist on the table, "you were just a piece of ass Mary! Can't you see that? God!" He stood up and went outside leaving the awkward silence to linger in the dining room. My family was angry and I just kept thinking how I was going to get Mac out of this?


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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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