Chapter 12: Story Telling

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"Ms. Mary Davis, is a victim. She was brainwashed into thinking that she loves this sick, cruel man. I would like to call Mary herself up to the stands. Mary?" I stood up from my seat looking at Mac. He was in an orange jumpsuit with cuffs on his hands and feet. He tried to run a few times to say the least.

I was in a suit that the attorney bought me. It was a black suit jacket and pencil skirt. Mac was eyeing me up and down. I wanted to jump him right now, but we weren't allowed to touch.

I took the stand ready to defend the love of my life. I placed my hand on the bible swearing to say nothing but the truth. And I would say the truth, because it wasn't as bad as it seemed. "Mary, how old are you?" Sheryl asked pacing back and forth. "Sixteen." I answered. "You went to church on Sunday's?" "Yes." I wasn't sure what these questions had to do with anything, but I kept looking at Mac the whole time. He would wink at me and make gestures with his tongue.

"Can you explain what happened the first night you spent with Mr. Rodriguez?" I nodded my head trying to remember the facts.

"I went outside to get my things from the van. I felt a hand on me and my face was shoved into the van floor. I didn't know what was happening, but then he said some very bad words..." Was cursing acceptable in court?

"Say them Mary." Sheryl demanded. "He told me not to talk or he would... Slit my fucking throat. That's when I felt the knife on my throat." I looked at my parents and my mother was crying. "He told me to grab my bags, then stuffed a cloth in my mouth and tied my hands together with rope." Sheryl looked over at my parents. "Mary, did you try to fight him that night?" She sounded like I never fought him at all and I did.

"Yes, I kicked him in the face." I said proudly. Sheryl was really bothering me with the looks she kept throwing my way. "Continue with your story."

"Uhh.. He took me too his house, dragged my out of the truck... Dragged me inside. I kept screaming for him not to touch me and to get away, I was wiggling and trying to get out of his grip. He slapped me for it. Then he took me to his room and well... Yeah."

I knew I wouldn't get away with just tell them that. "We need to hear it Mary." I knew it. "He tied me to the bed... Shoved his tongue down my throat. Then pulled out a knife and cut my clothes off, leaving me in my bra. He started forcing himself on me. I had no choice but to take it. After he was finished he punched me which knocked me out."

I could see Mac looking down. I guess letting him hear what he did to me was really affecting him. I explained the rest of the story leading up to the point where I started to like him. "He called me babe. Gave me money. He was sweet and protected me. I didn't want to get caught because I knew if I did that Mac would be taken away from me." My lip started quivering and Sheryl handed me a box of tissues. "If I could go back, I still wouldn't want to leave him. He is perfect and I love him. We made love too, it was the beyond perfect. Mac was passionate and it never got boring." I stopped talking and let the memories flash through my head.

"Mary, did you ever tell him no?" I didn't. But, this once question would be the one that decides if Mac is guilty or not. "No."

"Thank you Mary." Sheryl said and the judge dismissed us for the day. "I think the jury is on our side, we can make this work and win this case. Tomorrow I have a feeling Mac will be called to the stands." John explained, he was Mac's attorney.

"Alright, can I have a second with him before they take him?" I asked John. He nodded and gave us some space. The security guards stood in a five foot radius from us. I wasn't allowed to touch him, but we could talk. "Mac?" He didn't look at me. "It's not gonna work Mary. Did yew hear the words that came outta yer' mouth. I'm done for. I fucked us all." Mac didn't seem very positive about the whole court case. I was fighting for his innocence, but he didn't understand.

"Mac, you did all that stuff to me and I'm standing on your side. I love you and the jury will stand with me, I know it!" Mac scoffed and stood up. "I'm done talkin' 'bout it Mary." He walked towards the guards without even saying goodbye.

I was hurt that Mac couldn't even say goodbye or I love after I just stood up in front of a whole room of people who are debating whether or not to throw his ass in prison. "Mac's upset. He feels guilty for what he did to you in the beginning." John placed a hand on my shoulder. "I forgive him. It's called unconditional love."


"We call Mac Rodriguez to the stands." Sheryl said. Mac stood up clearing his throat. He slouched in his seat giving me a death glare. "Mac, why did you kidnap Mary?" He shrugged. "Sex." He had no emotion in his voice. "Did you force yourself upon her?" "Yes."

Sheryl was loving that Mac admitted to his crimes. But just because he admitted to them doesn't mean he's guaranteed for jail. "Do you love Mary?" The whole room was silent waiting on his answer.

He sat up in his chair, letting his tongue roll over his lips. "I can't breath without knowin' if she's safe. I can't sleep if she's awake. When she cries... It's the prettiest damn thin' I've ever saw. She's didn't run from me after awhile. She clung to me like a little lost puppy. I thought it was cute." A smirk grew on his lips. "At night she would preten' to be asleep and move closer to me... Jus' so she could touch me." My face turned red when he mentioned that. I thought it was a secret that only I knew.

"She's the best damn thin' that ever happen to me, and if ya' throw me in jail, so be it. Because I won't live another day if ya' do. I can't live without 'er. So I'm as good as dead right now. I love 'er and I'm not ashamed of it." I could feel myself tearing up listening to him speak like that. He's never said anything so sweet to me, and watching him do that made me fall in love with him even more.


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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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