Chapter 17: Wallet & Boxers

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*Check out my Daryl Dixon One Shot 'Steam'*

A few days later things were back to normal. Mac and I had a few things to do today. I needed to go grocery shopping, and get supplies for the house. We were running low on everything.

Mac needed a few parts for his truck too, it was about to fall apart, but Mac said we still had a while before that happened though.

Walter, had offered me a job at the Luna Mesa incase I wanted extra cash. But, I wasn't in for working with a bunch of drunks all day.


I was still in bed when pounding on the door woke me up. Mac already left and I had no choice than to get up. "I'm coming!" I wrapped a sheet around myself walking up to the door. As I opened it, a girl with orange colored hair stood in front of me. Her black roots were showing bad. She had a hoop nose ring and a few ear piercings. Tattoos covered her biceps and neck. I could see the faint scars on her arm from shooting up meth, even a few scabs. I had no other choice but to assume this was Hannah.

"Can I help you?" I asked leaning against the door frame. "I'm looking for Mac." She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot. "He's not here right now," I said nicely. I didn't want to make her mad because she would go and sleep with Mac.

"Well, when he gets back can you give him this." She handed me a wallet. "Oh and these," she tossed me a pair of his boxers. This was Mac's stuff. I do his laundry enough to know what his boxers look like. I opened the wallet and a few bucks were in it, maybe twenty. A picture of me was on the side that I took for him a few weeks ago.

"Where did you get this?" I growled. "Where do you think? Honey," she mocked me. I wanted to grab her up and tear her apart, but Mac was part of this too. He acted upon it. "Call me?" She joked making a phone sign with her hand. I slammed the door in her face. I threw myself on the couch and cried. I can't believe Mac would cheat on me. After everything he said to me the other night! Mac was a lier, I knew that first hand, but now I was a victim of his snake tongue.

I had to bring myself to stop crying because Mac would be home for lunch soon. I was going to act like I knew nothing, then confront him on it. If he lied then I was leaving. I can't deal with a lying and cheating, bastard.

After I showered and dressed for the day Mac pulled in the driveway. I watched him strut up to the house and kick the door open. "Whatcha all dolled up for?" He asked. I looked down at my clothes. "I'm not really dolled up," Mac shrugged, "still look sexy." Mac leaned in for a kiss, but I dodged it." "What?" He asked. "I'm still a little sick." Mac scoffed and moved to the kitchen.

"Can't find my fuckin' wallet. Ye' seen it?" I shook my head going to the sick to wash dishes. "Damn. Got all my shit in it, some cash too." I brushed it off pretending not to notice I had to make my plan work. Mac was eating chips and leaning on the counter. I watched as he came back behind me and kissed my neck. "What wrong? Yer' all tense." I didn't want him touching me after his hands were on her. "I'm fine," I said sweetly. "Mhmm. Wanna mess around. I got time baby," he started kissing down my neck as his hands reached to the front of my jeans.

"Mac..." I warned, telling him to stop. "Love hearin' that from ya'," Mac took my resistance as a game. "Stop!" I pushed him off of me. He caught himself on the table and readjusted himself. He scowled at me, "Mary, what the fuck?" I was going to explode. "You cheated on me! Alright! I found out!" I pulled out his wallet and threw it at him. "Hannah stopped by and dropped off a few things." I threw the boxers at him too. Mac picked up the items and examined them.

"Mary," he said softly. "No Mac! I don't wanna hear it!" "Babe, yer' not listening." He said firmly and moved closer to me. "I never touched her!" I shook my head, "I wish I could believe you, but... I can't." I pushed him out of the way and walked to the bedroom. I locked myself inside knowing he would leave again for the caves.

I'm so stupid! Why would I trust him in the first place. He kidnapped me and raped me, abused me. I'm so stupid. Never trust the bad guy!

I sat on the bed thinking about what to do next. I didn't want to be with Mac right now and I had no place to go, except home, which was hundreds of miles away. I heard Mac leave again for the caves and exited the bedroom. A small note was on the kitchen table. I read it a few times because Mac has chicken scratch writing.

Babe, I'm so sorry about whatever she told you. It's a lie and I wish you would believe me. I know you won't, but please just let me explain. I never touched her. She's out to get me, I swear. I love you pretty girl.

I crumbled up the paper and threw it at the wall. "Lying bastard," I say on the couch for an hour until I heard Mac pull back in. I locked the door before he got to it so he couldn't come inside.

"Mary! Open the door!" Mac yelled knocking on the door. "Go away!" I buried my face in the pillow. I heard the window open and I knew he was climbing in. "Mac get out!" I threw the pillow at his face. "Will ya' fuckin' stop!" He said walking towards me. I put my hands in front of my face preparing myself for when he hit me.

"What? Think I'd hit ya'! Yer' so fuckin' stupid Mary. I wouldn't ever hit ya' again, and I promised ya' that." Mac was screaming at me now. The veins in his neck popping out were a single that he was pissed. "You cheated on me Mac! I'm pissed! No- I'm fucking furious! You talked a lot of crap the other night about how slutty she was and I find out you fucked her. You're fucking sick!"

"I didn't fuckin' touch her! Jesus Christ, why don't you believe me?" I had valid answers as to why I did. "She had your wallet and your boxers. What am I supposed to think?"

Mac ran his hand over his face. "She stole them Mary. Right out of my truck. I haven't seen my wallet since the day when I first sold to her two weeks ago, and those boxers were from the last time I fucked ya' in the truck. Believe me now?" Mac was much calmer now and it showed. His breathing was erratic, his face was returning to it normal shade. I didn't know what to believe. "I swear Mary," Mac begged. I could've swore I heard him choke. Was he going to cry on me? Mac doesn't cry!

"Mac?" I asked him. "No, jus' don't Mary." He walked away and stormed off outside. I watched him from the window kicking dirt with his boots, and smoking a cigarette.

Maybe Mac was telling the truth. Or he was manipulating me into believing him. I honesty didn't know, but I'll still love him either way.  

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💜Questions: 1: Did Mac really cheat? 2: Is he telling the truth?

Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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