Chapter 19: Morning Love

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"Fuckin' Christ baby..." Mac whimpered as I slowly lowered myself onto his hard length. He grabbed my hips and started bouncing me up and down. His mouth attached to my chest and sucked on my nipples. I let my hands settle at the back of his head and pulled on his hair a bit.

Mac was controlling the speed of me riding him and I let out a few labored breaths. Biting my lip I leaned down and connected our lips. Our tongues fought furiously for dominance and I was enjoying the feeling of him inside me again. I missed fucking him on a daily basis.

"God, Mac. You feel so fucking good!" I moaned in his ear. Mac grabbed my ass and slapped it. "That's it baby, take that cock!" I was now in control as Mac lay back on the bed and watched me work my body over him.

"Great fuckin' view from down here babe." Mac smirked showing off his meth teeth. I was slowly building my climax. As I got closer and closer my movements began to slow. I couldn't ever finish myself off on top of him. It was too painfully good and I was never able to make it to the end.

Stopping for a second I caught my breath. "Mac... I can't." I breathed out. "Not again babe. Yer' gonna cum." He rolled us over and lifted my legs, letting my ankles rest on his shoulders. He held my wrist down and pounded away inside me.

"Fuck... Mac!" I screamed as I felt myself clench around him like a vice. Mac continued to pound away until his own release came and he kissed me roughly moaning in my mouth.

Mac pulled back and had beads of sweat on his forehead. He cleared his throat and lay down beside me. "Gets fuckin' better every time."

I smiled and snuggled up to him, "I know it does. I love it." He smirked at me and rubbed my bare back.

The phone ringing interrupted our small romantic moment. It was my mother. I got up out of bed completely naked and ran to get it.


"Mary! How are you? Is everything fine?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes walking back to our room. "Yes, everything is fine and I'm doing good."

"That's great. Your father and I were wondering if you were coming up for Thanksgiving." She said.

I looked at Mac and he gave me a confused look. "Um... I'll have to ask Mac, but I'll see if we can make it up." I said.

Mac was making hand gestures at me trying to get my attention. I gave him the middle finger for distracting me and he leaned over biting my butt. I bit my lip and pulled away while my mother was talking about Robert. Mac starting poking and prodding at me.

"Really? Is he back with Diana?" I asked my mother. She said that Robert and Diana have been talking a lot lately and she thinks they're going to go out again.

Mac wrapped his arms around my legs and pulled me down on the bed so I was completely flat. He settled himself between my legs and his tongue started dancing inside me. I all but moaned out in pleasure.

"Yeah..." I said with a labored breath, agreeing to what my mother was saying and trying to not scream Mac's name to the heavens.

"I have to go sweetie! Have a good day! Hope I get to see you soon." She said.

"Yeah, love you." I quickly hung up the phone and threw it aside grabbing onto Mac's head and pushing his mouth further into my heated core.

"Fuck yes baby! That's right! Right there..." I grind my lower half into his face as he was lapping up my juices from the climax.

He pulled back wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Damn, that was quick." He joked. I sat up in bed and pulled him close to me. "I noticed somethin' 'bout you today," he said rubbing small circles on my arm.

"What?" I asked. "When ya' run, yer' ass bounces like crazy. I'll have to take ya' from behind next time just so I can watch it bounce." I giggled and playfully pushed him.

"I love you so much." I said and pulled him back in to kiss his lips. "Love you too." He said back.

"My mom wants us to come out to Virginia for Thanksgiving." I said looking into his eyes. He didn't give an approving look. "Ye' really want me out there with those fuckin' praise the Lord assholes?"

"Mac! That's my family! And they're really nice once you get to know them. I promise I won't let them insult you, and please don't be mean to me when we are there." I begged of him. He grunted, a usual response from him.

"Fine, but I ain't goin' to no church." He said smoking a cigarette. "You won't have too. And thank you so much for doing this!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug.

Now we had to get packing for Virginia.


🐌I'm a lazy piece of shit that doesn't like to update for a week. Yay!

🎉🎊Anyways, I had homecoming this past Saturday and danced my ass off.

🐋🐳🐬🐙🐟🐠🐚News! My Norman Reedus Mermaid story will be out tomorrow! It's called Beneath The Waves, and I will say this right now, my cover for it sucks, so I will be taking request. Just PM them to me.

💚As usual, Comment & Vote!

💜Questions: 1: What's going to happen when they go to Virginia?

Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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