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A gorgeous girl jogging in a park, her long straight hair till her waist is swishing along with the wind as she jogs on. 

Her face flushed pink due to the cold winds, she starts stretching with a few other people.

 "Reena beti", someone called her she turned around to face that person, her smile widened, "Hi Dadi." Said Reena.

 It was Reena's neighbor Shilpa Dadi

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 It was Reena's neighbor Shilpa Dadi.

 "Here have some jalaebis, your mother made these, they are so yumm." Said Dadi offering Reena some. 

"Dadi, you are going on walks for controlling your sugar levels, but eating jalebis on the way."

 "I eat two jalebis and walk for an hour, that what my doctor has told me." Said Shilpa Dadi munching her jalebis.

 "Well, I don't want one and its getting late I must go home, Bye Dadi see you later." Said Reena and began jogging back to her home.

A small but a cozy home in Bangalore is seen, as we go in we find a middle aged woman bustling in her kitchen preparing food, "Rhea, you lazy thing wake up." Yelled the woman.

 It was none other than Priya Desai. 

Reena entered the house and shut her ears with her hands as Priya's voice was very loud and the cooker also whistled. 

"Ma, please." Said Reena as she walked inside the kitchen. 

"Then wake up the lady kumbakarnan." Said Priya opening the cooker. 

"I'll go wake her up." Said Reena as she walked into the bedroom she shared with her sister.

 "Rhea, wake up you lazy thing." Said Reena as she pulled the blanket which was covering Rhea's face. 

There was an old t-shirt on Rhea's face, sighing Reena took that one off to find Rhea sleeping with her mouth slightly open. 

"Rhea, its already late." Said Reena in her ear.

 "Five minutes please." Mumbled Rhea. 

"You speak with your friends till midnight and sleep till afternoon." Said Reena angrily as she shook her awake. 

Rhea woke up frowning and went to the hall mumbling something. 

Reena went to take a shower and Priya came with two mugs of coffee. 

She found Rhea sitting with a newspaper in her hand which was covering her face.

 "You are already late and reading a newspaper now?" asked Priya angrily. 

Snatching the pare and found Rhea sleeping again. "Rhea, go freshen up." Said Priya giving her a push. 

But Rhea didn't even budge, "I will not give any money to recharge your phone." Said Priya in a final tone. 

Those words worked like magic and Rhea jumped from the sofa and rushed to get dressed up.

After twenty minutes the family was munching their breakfast, "Reena, will you come home soon today?" asked Priya as she served another helping of poha.

 "I'll try Ma." Said Reena. 

"And Rhea, you too don't go outing with your friends and come after ten. I have got a huge order for a birthday party and I need you help to finish the order." Said Priya. 

"Okay Ma." Said Reena and Rhea

After breakfast Reena started her scooty and called, "Rhea, if you don't come in a minute I will not drop you." 

"Coming sister." Said Rhea as she put her lipstick on. 

Reena shook her head as Rhea settled on the back seat.

 She rode till the bus stop and Rhea got down, "Remember what Ma told right, come home soon." Said Reena as she drove to her office.

 Rhea nodded like a small child, once Reena was out of sight a Mercedes Benz came and Rhea got in the car. 

"Did you wake up late today also?" asked the person in the car. "Yaa." Said Rhea in a tired tone.

Reena walked into her office with a wide smile and went to her Boss's cabin. 

She began tidying the desk and arranged the files to be checked in order. 

She hummed her favorite tune as she did her work.

 She fed the fishes in the tank and made some kissing noises. 

And began scheduling appointments and meetings for the day. 

That's when the door opened and the man hated by all in the KGF enters with a swag-Adheera Bariya. 

Everyone but Reena in the office are scared of him, initially Reena was also scared of him but eventually she got used to him as she understood him well. He was hundred times more vulnerable than scary.

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