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After her shower, Reena changed into a sari and was drying her hair standing in front of the mirror. 

She felt a pair of warm arms encircle her waist.

 She looked at Rocky through the mirror. 

His hair was wet and he was wearing a bathrobe. 

Both were looking at each other with similar questions clouding their minds.

 "Do you regret it?" both asked at the same time. 

Rocky chuckled and Reena slightly smiled. 

"No," they answered again at the same time. 

Both chuckled and Rocky turned Reena and she rested her hands on his chest. 

Rocky leaned slowly towards her and Reena understood his move closed her eyes and parted her lips. 

He gently sucked her lower lip and then her upper lip. 

They broke their kiss as they were going out of breath. 

Reena rested her head on his chest and panted while Rocky held her close. 

They both stood there relishing the moment.

That night,

Reena was waiting for Rocky, it was past midnight. 

She called him many times but there was no answer. 

He told her that he was going to a party with Shakthi and Karan, she sat on the same step she sat on the previous time and waited for him. 

She dozed off there itself, meanwhile Rocky had a merry time with his friends. 

He was a bit sloshed but still, he was steady enough to drive back home. 

He got out of the car and walked in slowly, he found Reena curled up on the step. 

He sighed and knelt near her, "How many times should I tell her not to wait for me?" thought Rocky and slightly patted her cheek. 

Reena woke up and squinted a bit to take a good view of Rocky. 

"You are back." She said as she stood up. 

"You didn't eat?" asked Rocky. 

Though he was a bit sober, Reena could tell that he was drunk. 

"Are you drunk?" asked Reena stepping closer to him. 

"Yeah, a bit." Said Rocky. 

"Did you drive by yourself back home?" asked Reena in panic.

 "Yeah, and I am used to it so don't fret." Said Rocky took her hands and led the way to the dining table. 

He made her sit and served food for her and said, "Eat every single morsel, I will check in the morning. I am going to bed as I am very tired." Said Rocky and left the table. 

Reena looked at the way he walked to the bedroom and closed her eyes thanking god that he reached home safe. 

She ate her food and went to their room and saw Rocky lying on the bed without even removing his shoes. 

Reena sighed and went near him, she removed his shoes and socks. 

She made him lie on the bed comfortably and lay next to him. 

As Reena closed her eyes she felt some weight on her Rocky had put his leg on hers and his arms around her shoulder and snuggled into her neck. 

She held his hand and placed a kiss on his wrist. 

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