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The next morning, Reena woke up to an unfamiliar surrounding. 

She was confused as she found someone sleeping next to her. 

Then she realized that she was no longer in her home, she was at her husband's house. 

She got up stretched and checked the time it was a bit past six, she looked at Rocky who was curled up like a ball sleeping soundly. 

She went down and found the living room empty, she decided to go to the garden for some fresh air. 

The garden was big and nice she took off her slippers and walked barefoot on the grass. 

She heard the birds chirping and she enjoyed the early morning breeze, she walked all over the garden enjoying the weather.

 The sun rose bright, she enjoyed the pale sunshine.

 She went back to her room and found Rocky still sleeping. She showered and wore a sari and went down to the kitchen. 

She found a house to help wash vegetables.

 She took a vessel out and started to cook, but the house help stopped her. 

"Madam, please sir had instructed us not to let you do any household chores." Said the house help. 

"What is your name?" asked Reena. 

"Gopal, Madam." Answered the house help. 

"I am not Madam, I am Reena. Call me by my name and I am used to helping my mother in the kitchen, so let me do it." 

"But how can I call you by your name?" asked Gopal slowly. 

"I am almost half your age, okay. Now tell me what's the menu for today." Said Reena as she took the vegetables from him. 

Both of them cooked breakfast and Reena arranged steaming mugs of coffee, she came out of the kitchen with the Coffee and found Adheera in the living room reading a newspaper, "Good Morning Sir." Greeted Reena out of habit. 

Adheera looked at her and smiled and said, "Call me Papa, dear."

 Reena smiled and said, "Good Morning Papa, Coffee." Offered Reena. 

Adheera took a mug and asked, "Why are you straining yourself dear? there are people here to do all this." 

"It's okay Papa, I am used to all this." Said Reena.

 "And the other mug, is it for Raja?" asked Adheera. 

"Yes." Said Reena. 

"Okay dear, go and give that to him." Said Adheera as he watched her go, he smiled to himself seeing Reena's gesture.

 Reena went to her room and found Rocky still sleeping and he had kicked off his duvet.

 She felt heat rising within her seeing him with just his boxers on. 

She placed the Coffee mug on the side table and called him but he didn't even stir. 

Having no other choice she gently patted his shoulder and called him again. 

Rocky woke up with a jump scaring Reena too.

 "Oh, it is you, I got scared." Said Rocky rubbing his face. 

"Coffee." Offered Reena. 

"Coffee?, Well, I usually start my day with a shot." Said Rocky. 

"Oh." Said Reena heavily disappointed and took the Coffee mug and was about to leave the room. 

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