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Soon Rocky and Anjali were walking by the pool, meanwhile, Reena was rummaging through the wardrobe to find some essential oils that could soothe her pain. 

She saw a leather case, she had never seen this case before, she opened it and took out a folder, she opened it and found the papers of the contract, she read the contract. 

She put the papers away and walked onto her balcony. 

Reena was looking at them from her balcony, she could not hear them but she wanted to keep an eye on them, as she felt that Anjali didn't see Rocky as her Rakhi brother.

"So, Rocky only a few more weeks are left for this Contract marriage to end." Said Anjali.

 "Yeah." Said Rocky. 

"So, after that?" asked Anjali.

 "I don't know the answer to the question.

 "Mmmm, Dad is insisting on marriage now." Said Anjali.

 "Do it if you are interested." Said Rocky.

 "I don't like the idea of being bound to a person for life, in work we have a probation period but in marriage, there is nothing like that and that pisses me to the core, what if everything changes, what if the other person is toxic or a pervert or stupid or .... I can't just imagine." Said Anjali. 

"I like the way you think, Even I had this thought before marriage, life was unorganized before Reena came in and now I feel it like following a timetable like she wakes me up in the morning with coffee at six and I start my workout at half past six and at half past seven I drink a bottle of orange juice and have a shower and at eight she serves me breakfast and I leave for office by half past eight. Then sharp by half past twelve, she sends me to lunch and she waits for me all night without even having her dinner." Said Rocky.

 "This is so unlikely of you Rocky, I mean THE ROCKY, the man who defines his life by his terms is following a schedule." Guffawed Anjali. 

"I mean she is controlling you, like a small child. So do you even decide what you eat or does she decide it for you as well." Continued Anjali. 

"That... That... I feel life easy now." Said Rocky. 

"Well, by the way, you described things, I feel like she has wrapped you around her finger, maybe she will expect you to sit and stand according to her wish," said Anjali and continued to walk but Rocky stood rooted at his place.

 "Hey, come on man." Said Anjali.

 Rocky covered the distance and went near her, "If I were you I would have broken from this golden cage and flown away." Said Anjali.

 Anjali's phone beeped and she checked it, while Rocky tried to understand what was happening in his life.

 "Okay, man I must go now. Think and act." Said Anjali and hugged him while Rocky stood like a statue.

 Reena's eyes widened a bit as she saw Anjali hugging Rocky but her heart warmed as he didn't reciprocate the hug.

 Rocky came out of his thoughts as he heard the rumbling sound of thunder, he went to his room and found Reena coming into the room from the balcony, she smiled at him hugged him rested her head on his chest and said, "I think it's about to rain, it will be nice if we cuddle nah." 

Hearing no response she looked at him and grabbed his face, "Where are you lost?" 

Rocky nodded negatively and he lifted her by placing his hands on her bottoms and both fell on the bed. 

Reena snuggled to him and kissed his neck. 

"How was your brother and sister's talk go?" asked Reena. 

Hearing nothing from him, she continued speaking, "Why didn't you hug her back?" asked Reena in a playful tone. 

Running her fingers on the exposed part of his chest as he had worn a V-neck shirt. 

"So, were you watching us?" asked Rocky in a stern tone.

 "Not intentionally, I used to stare at the sky every night and you know that, and I saw you both down in the garden." Said Reena playing with his chain.

 Rocky felt stressed he thought about Anjali's words again and again. 

"Was Reena keeping him chained?" "Is she controlling me?" "Am I being her puppet?" 

He badly needed a drink to calm himself, he saw Reena in his arms, her eyes were closed but she was patting his chest, to make him sleep. 

He slowly tried to disentangle himself from her, but Reena opened her eyes. 

"What happened?" asked Reena.

 "Nothing, I feel like having a drink. Do you want one?" asked Rocky. 

"Rocky, no you are still under medication and drinking during this time is not safe." Said Reena. 

"No yaar, I feel like I want one now." Said Rocky. 

"Rocky close your eyes and sleep." Said Reena. 

"Reena..." started Rocky but he was interrupted by her. 

"Rocky, I saying nah. Listen to me." Said Reena sitting up. 

Rocky felt his insides burning and spluttered words in rage, "So I have to listen to you all the time, you'll order me like a master what to do and when to do and I should follow like some slave." 

"Rocky what are you even saying, I am telling this for your goodness," said Reena.

 Rocky got up from the bed took his phone and car keys and left the place without a word leaving Reena in tears.

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