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Reena opened her eyes and found Rocky near her caressing her hair with love. 

She smiled at him and then reality struck her, she got up and was a bit confused as she found herself in a hospital bed.

 "Reena, get up slowly." Said Rocky holding her hands tight, in case she ran away from him.

 "Why am I here?" asked Reena.

 Rocky chuckled and said, "Maybe I'll be the first husband to reveal this to a wife. We are pregnant."

 Reena was spellbound at this information, finally, she understood why she had been experiencing mood swings, backaches and vomiting.

 Rocky cupped her face rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, she did the same. 

Thousands of emotions went through her when she had to do a Contract marriage she never imagined this in her life, she thought kids were not in her destiny, but she was going to have a baby. 

She opened her eyes and found Rocky staring at her with tears lined in his eyes. 

"Reena, baby please don't overthink I am not going to do anything against your wish, though I want to take you with me and give you the best. But I want this, and I am the father so I have a say." Said Rocky, he said the last few words in a bit gruff tone. 

"What are you even saying, I am not killing an innocent soul and I am not raising this child with you. I am very capable of earning my bread and butter, so stay away." Said Reena and tried to move. 

But Rocky held her tight and said, "I know you are headstrong, but that won't stop me from caring for you both." 

And he pressed his lips on her forehead.

The moment Rocky released his hold she got up and went straight to the door.

 Rocky just sighed took her reports and her medicine bag and followed her out.

 Reena walked out of the hospital and decided to search for an auto but Rocky drove his car and blocked her way. 

He gestured for her to hop in, but she just looked away.

 "Reena, just get in. It's not safe for you." Said Rocky feeling tired of her tantrums. 

She acted as if he didn't exist and she walked away. 

Her mind was fully occupied, so she didn't even care about her surroundings and continued to walk.

 Suddenly she was surrounded by a few men, "Hey hottie, what about some fun." Asked one.

 "Come on one night." Said the other. 

Reena's blood froze, this was not the first time she was going through something like this, her hand involuntarily clutched her tummy, "How are we going to get out of this little one?" thought Reena, she turned around looking for Rocky but there was no sign of him.

She mentally cursed herself for not listening to him, the men came a bit closer as they saw her terrified, one was about to touch her, but a hand came in between. 

It was Rocky, he twisted the guy's hand and punched his nose, and blood spluttered out. Seeing this another guy whipped out a pocket knife, though Rocky tried to dodge his attack, the knife grazed his hand and blood oozed from the cut. 

But Rocky didn't care about anything he just thrashed the men, he saw Reena looking terrified, and he just led her to his car. 

Reena sat quietly, she saw blood oozing out, she tore the end of her sari and tied it around the wound tightly.

Rocky smiled at her actions and started to drive, by the time they reached her house Reena was asleep he gently moved near her and made her lie on his shoulder.

 He caressed her head gently and tweaked her nose a bit and whispered slowly, "Angry little bird." 

He continued to watch her sleep, but the little moment came to an end as his phone rang and woke Reena up. 

Reena got up and moved away from him while Rocky cursed the caller under his breath.

 Reena was about to get down but Rocky held her and handed her reports and medicines to her. 

"The prescription is inside and you have to eat a lot and rest a lot, okay? Take care, my babies." Said Rocky rubbing her tummy gently.

Rocky went home and found Adheera and Vikram together, he guessed that Vikram had revealed the news to his dad. 

Adheera got up and hugged him tight, "I am so happy son. I am finally at peace as I have got an heir. Where is Reena?" asked Adheera as he looked around. 

"She at her mother's place." Said Rocky breaking the hug. 

"But..." started Adheera. 

Rocky cut him, "Papa, she is very delicate now, I don't want to stress her in any way, but I know she will accept me soon. Trust me." 

And left to his room leaving Adheera in his thoughts.

The next morning Reena entered the office, she went to her cabin but she saw that the service staff were moving her stuff, she found Shakthi who was instructing them. 

"What's happening here?" asked Reena. 

"As you know our Boss is a very caring man and, as you are pregnant we have to take extra care of you so we are shifting your place to his cabin. Come with me." Said Shakthi and took her to her new place. 

She found a table arranged next to his, and she found Rocky screaming at someone over the phone and the moment her looked at her his irritation flew and he gave a wide smile. 

"Sit down baby." Said Rocky taking her hand and leading the way. 

He knelt near her and asked "What do you like to eat fruits, juice, milkshakes, smoothies or..." went on Rocky but was cut short by Reena.

 "Drop this act, already people in this office are giving me weird looks and your actions are fueling it." Said Reena in a hard tone. 

"I'll fire them this very minute, who disturbed you?" asked Rocky in a dangerous tone.

 "No, no please." Said Reena as she stopped him.

 "Just, leave it never mind." Said Reena. 

Rocky got up and went to his place, work was piled before him as he had acquired this firm, and as Reena was on his side he didn't have to worry about her well-being. 

Reena sighed and picked up a file from her table and opened it was empty with no papers inside, she picked up another one, and it was empty. 

All the files were like that, she looked at Rocky who acted as if he didn't do anything. 

She turned on her computer and found, that it also had nothing related to her work, instead, the folders in the computer were filled with happy music, videos and some content related to pregnancy. 

She knew it was all his work, she didn't have the energy to argue with him, so she stayed quiet, she went through the articles related to pregnancy, it was really useful. 

As she was going through the articles, the service staff entered with a food platter. Rocky sent them away and opened the lid to reveal what was inside it.

 Nuts, dry fruits and a bottle of date smoothie. 

Reena looked at it with zero emotion and then at Rocky. 

He knelt near her and said, "Have it, it's good for the baby and you." 

Reena continued to look at him not knowing how to react, she liked him caring for her but her wounds were too deep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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