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Reena stopped on the way and took her phone out and called Dr. Vikram and told about Adithya.

 Dr. Vikram was also aware of Adithya's intentions and assured Reena that he will some how convince Raja to take over Bariya group of Companies. 

Reena felt relieved and she continued her journey back home. She parked her scooty and covered it with a rainproof covering and walked into her house which was surprisingly silent.

 Usually her mother would be shouting at her little sister or the sound of cookers and blenders will be always making the house a bit live. 

She saw her mother and elder sister huddled together in a corner. Broken pieces of flower vase was on the center of the hall. 

"Ma, Radhu why are both sitting there.?" Asked Reena as she could make out from their faces that they were terrified. 

Radhika began to wail loudly and Priya comforted her. 

Reena went near them and asked, "What happened?" Priya looked at Reena and said, "Raman, that mad man he borrowed a lot of money from someone to develop his travel agency and he gambled with that money and lost. He got drunk and hurt Radhika last night and blamed her for his loss. Radhika came here by afternoon to share her grief. He came here drunk and blamed her and told her it was her responsibility to arrange all the money.

 "How dare he?, lets go to the police." Said Reena standing up.

 "No, please he is my husband." Cried Radhika.

 "Radhu, you are still supporting him after all this mess? He has made this a habit, this is the third time he is repeating it. Why can't he close the travel agency and go to work?" asked Reena angrily. 

"Please Reena." Cried Radhika hysterically. 

"Okay, I have got a huge order, I will make some money from that ,we have Reena's salary and we'll pawn some jewels and arrange the money." Said Priya.

 Reena and Radhika nodded, "I'll go freshen up and come." Said Reena and left the place and Radhika went to clean the broken vase mess and Priya went to the kitchen. 

Reena joined her mother and sister in the kitchen and began helping them to prepare the snacks for the order.

 They heard the gate unlocking, Rhea silently tried to sneak into the house but Priya's sharp ears heard her. "Here comes the princess of Mysore." Said Priya sarcastically. 

"Sorry Ma, my friends insisted on movie and dinner, so I am late." Said Rhea in an apologetical tone. 

"Your friends will say jump into the well, you will do that too." Said Priya as she rolled the laddoo. "Ma I am tired bye." Said Rhea and went to change.

Past midnight, everyone settled in their beds with their troubled minds. Reena was thinking about Adheera and his son. "Will Adheera sir's son come back?, Will he manage everything if he comes back or will Aditya claim the business?.

 Radhika was thinking about her life, "Did I made a mistake by dropping out of college and getting married?, I should find a job soon, I can't be a burden for my mother and sisters."

 Rhea was thinking about her boyfriend, "Did I do the right thing today by giving myself to Ranveer? He insisted that physical relationship is needed to strengthen our bond. He promised me that he will be with me always and did everything." Her thoughts came to an end as her phone buzzed. It was Ranveer who sexted her. Rhea soon began chatting with him.

 Priya was worried about her daughters, the first one got married to a wrong guy and two more unmarried daughters. How am I going to get them married if the elder one's husband keeps on draining all the money?

Meanwhile, a handsome guy is shown sleeping, he had his party costume on. His phone was continuously buzzing. 

He opened his eyes with a groan and answered the call sleepily. "Raja, Raja." Said the person on phone. "Yes, speaking." Answered the fellow sleepily.

 "I am Dr. Vikram Shergill your father's friend." Said the man. 

"Ya Vikram uncle tell me. I am Rocky not Raja." Said Rocky. "What!?" asked Vikram shocked. "I am Adheera Bariya's son. And I am sleeping after coming from a party, can we talk later?" said Rocky about to cut the call. 

Vikram checked the time difference between India and US and calculated the time, it was eleven in the morning at US. "Okay Raja or Rocky wake up soon or you will lose your father soon." Said  Vikram. 

Rocky sat up shocked and turned on the face time and faced Vikram.

 Vikram showed Adheera who was on the hospital bed. "But uncle I spoke to Dad few hours back, he was fine." Said Rocky. 

"I have to tell certain things about your father's health. He has already had two cardiac arrests, if he suffers another one that will be his end. He is worrying about something so badly, as far as I know him his worry is about you. He needs you, he wants you by his side. If you are still stubborn then forget him." Said  Vikram. 

"Uncle, I hate India because I lost my mother there that's why I am not coming there." Said Rocky. "If you don't come back. You'll lose your father also." Said Vikram Rocky thought for a few minutes and said, "Okay, I am coming to India."

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