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After the call, Rocky buried his face in his palms and sobbed quietly thinking about his father. 

He loved him with all his heart, he wanted to rush to him, be near him and hug him.

He loved him with all his heart, he wanted to rush to him, be near him and hug him

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Saran as Shakthi, Rocky's cousin

 He got up and came to the living room of his studio apartment and found his cousin and his friend sleeping on the couch and floor respectively.

He went near his cousin Shakthi and shook him awake, "Wake up Shakthi we have to go to India." Said Rocky. 

"Mmm lets go." Mumbled Shakthi and continued his sweet sleep.

" Mumbled Shakthi and continued his sweet sleep

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 Dheeraj as Karan

He took the jug and emptied the water on Shakthi and his friend Karan.

 Both sat up in shock, "We are leaving to India tonight." Said Rocky as he walked inside his room. "Shakthi, did I hear it right, did he say India?" asked Karan in shock. "Yeah, bro." answered Shakthi equally shocked.

Back in India,

The next morning, Reena woke up and went for jogging. 

Radhika and Priya prepared food for the day.

 And Rhea was still sleeping. 

Raman entered the Desai house and began yelling, "Radhika ai Radhika where are you?"

 Radhika and Priya panicked and came out and found Raman standing in front of their house.

 Radhika looked at Raman with a clear disgust in her face. 

"Why are you  here?,Go away." Said Radhika. 

"I am are not here to cause any trouble. Just hear me once." Said Raman with a sly smile. 

At that time Reena returned from her jogging and looked at the scenario, She started to speak, "Have you got any shame or not, gambling, drinking, losing all the money and troubling my sister. Why don't you find yourself a job?" 

Raman looked at Reena and said, "I won't be an employee but an employer. My friend and I have an idea for a new venture, if this becomes okay, then we'll make lots of money." 

Reena rolled her eyes and said, "This guy won't realize his mistakes ever." 

"Whatever it is we are not going to help you." Said Radhika. 

"What is this Radhika, husband and wife must share their joy and sorrow." Said Raman.

 "Then why was I forced to pay off the debts you brought earlier." Asked Radhika. 

Raman immediately shut his mouth. Priya decided to intervene, "See, beta please leave, already the neighbors are gossiping about us. 

If they see all this they will start spreading rumors."said Priya. 

"Ma, this is not done I am calling the police." Said Reena taking out her phone. On hearing the word police Raman  left the place.

"What am I going to do with this man, he is bringing lot of trouble everyday." Lamented Radhika.

 "Radhu, don't worry jammai is a good man his friend is spoiling him." Said Priya. 

"Both are equally bad." Commented Reena and went to have a shower.

After getting ready Reena dropped Rhea on the way and went to the office and found a bunch of reporters already waiting there.

 She walked inside the office and found her colleague cum friend Preethi standing near the coffee machine. 

Pooja Hedge as Preethi

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Pooja Hedge as Preethi

"Hello you, Good time Bad time." Said Preethi.

 "Hello you, Bad time." Said Reena as she made herself a coffee. 

"Why?" asked Preethi. 

Reena poured out everything about her brother-in-law. 

"Oh that's bad Radhika didi must be very upset," said Preethi. 

"Not only her, Ma is also upset." Said Reena as she sipped her coffee. 

"Why are there reporters here?" asked Reena as she looked out through the glass door. 

"The Chairman is going to give an update about Adheera sir and he is going to take up the business." Said Preethi. 

"What? Adithya is going to become the CEO ?" asked Reena shocked.

 "Ya." Answered Preethi casually.

 Reena immediately threw her coffee away and called Vikram and informed about this to him. 

Vikram was shocked and he told Reena that he would come there as soon as possible and told Reena to delay the press meet until he came there. 

Reena rushed to Adithya's office with a bunch of files to keep him busy. 

Adithya was irritated to see the work piled before him, he usually spent his time chilling, wine and woman were his thing.

 In the remaining time he always plotted against his brother-in-law and tried to pull him down.

 He had his moles throughout the office and stole lot of money.

 But after seeing all the work he had if he became the CEO, he had second thoughts about it.

 He tried to understand the words printed on the file but nothing made sense to him. 

Reena understood his difficulty and began explain each and everything in detail to kill time, praying internally that Vikram should reach soon.

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