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Reena was sitting on the bed processing the entire scene, she did'nt feel like she had ordered Rocky all this time.

 Ever since they tied knot, she had been by his side taking care of him and his father. And Rocky was nice to her and sometimes his words and actions disappointed her, but it was not intentional or out of anger. 

Meanwhile, Rocky drove the car rashly in anger, he reached Karan and Shakthi's flat and banged the door. Karan opened the door sleepily, "What are you doing here man at this hour?" asked Karan as he let him in. 

Rocky plopped down on the bean bag and asked, "Do you have anything to drink?" 

"Water is the only drink I can offer to you because you are forbidden to drink for a year by Vikram uncle." said Karan as he settled down next to Rocky.

 "I am already in a bad mood don't worsen it." Said Rocky and got up and went inside the bedroom and laid on the bed next to Shakthi and closed his eyes. 

"Does Reena know that you are here?, she must be waiting for you." Said Karan. 

Rocky tossed a cushion at him and pressed a cushion on his head and closed his eyes. 

Karan picked the cushion Rocky used to hit him and took his phone and called Reena. 

Reena picked up the call immediately, "Hi Reena this is Karan." Said Karan. 

"Hi, Karan. Is Rocky at your place?" asked Reena nervously.

 "Yes, he is sleeping here." Said Karan. 

"Karan, please don't let him drink, its not good for his health." Said Reena.

 "Don't worry Reena, I'll take care. Good night." Said Karan and ended the call.

 His phone beeped and he saw a message from his toxic ex demanding money from him as a compensation for ruining her time. 

He looked at Rocky who had already dozed off. "You have got a gem as your woman, but you didn't realize her value still." Thought Karan and settled on the couch and thought about Reena, he had met her a few times, she had been very caring towards Rocky and Adheera.

 She took care of Rocky like a mother taking care of her child when he was injured, she always flocked around him like a mother hen, insisting on feeding him the healthiest food.

 He had been in a lot of relationships all those girls flocked around him only because he was rich and good looking, but Reena never cared about money she treated the janitor, the same way she treated a CEO.

 "No, No she is my best friend's wife, I must stop thinking about her." Thought Karan, but a little voice said in his mind, "If Rocky leaves her after a year, you still have a chance." He tossed and turned thinking that he was in his bed, these thoughts were tormenting him, he fell down with a thud making him to come to reality.

The next morning,

Shakthi tried to wake Rocky up, he gently patted his shoulders and tried to wake him up.

 But Rocky forgot all the incidents that happened the previous night and thought that he was still at his home and Reena was trying to wake him up. 

Rocky frowned a bit in his sleep and pulled Shakthi by his arm and he fell on Rocky. 

"Good morning Reena." Said Rocky and Hugged Shakthi tight thinking that he was Reena.

 Shakthi was shocked but he remained still. 

He touched Shakthi's back and arms, still with his eyes closed and said, "Reena, when did you start to go the gym? , your muscles are taut and strong." Said Rocky and Shakthi stifled his laugh, Rocky moved his hand all over his back searching Reena's long hair. 

He touched his head and said, "Baby, when did you cut your long hair, I really liked it." Said Rocky touching Shakthi's head. 

Shakthi got and idea and slightly pecked Rocky on the lips, but Rocky pouted like a kid, "Baby, I want some deep kisses not pecks." Said Rocky and tried to kiss her. 

Shakthi struggled in his arms but Rocky held him tight, "Baby where are you going without giving a kiss?" asked Rocky and opened his eyes but he saw Shakthi on him and not Reena and screamed, "Aaaah." And pushed Shakthi away. 

Shakthi fell on the floor laughing hard, he looked at Rocky and laughed till his sides ached.

 Rocky glared at him and threw away the duvet and walked out room, he walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and recalled the previous night's incidents.

 Karan entered the kitchen after his jog and Shakthi walked into the kitchen still laughing. "I am leaving." Said Rocky and left the place while Shakthi narrated all the incidents to Karan.

Rocky went to the Bariya mansion and found Reena and Adheera at the dining table.

 "Hey, Raja beta freshen up and come soon, breakfast is so delicious today." Said Adheera.

 Rocky nodded and went to his room and changed. 

He came down again and found Reena alone in the dining area, both just looked at each other words were exchanged. 

Reena served Rocky silently and sat down quietly.

 Rocky looked at her as he ate, as Rocky finished eating Reena began to speak, "I never wanted to control you, I just reminded about your drinking ban."

 And left the table.

But Rocky held her hand tight and stopped her from leaving and said, "Even I am sorry, I blasted on you yesterday."

 Reena smiled a bit and both stayed like that.

 At that time, Anjali walked in and looked at them, she took off her shades, her temper grew ten folds as she saw them holding hands.

 She took a small porcelain swan knickknack from the mantle and dropped it down demanding attention.

 Roeena came out of their la la land and looked at Anjali.

 "I am sorry about the swan, I pushed it accidentally." Said Anjali smiling.

 "Its okay yaar, wanna have some breakfast?" asked Rocky.

 Anjali walked a bit closer and looked at the food, "Oh full of carbs, how do you eat all this Rocky?" asked Anjali in a disgusting tone. 

"Its yummy." Said Rocky picking another idli, but Anjali pushed it away and it fell on the floor making Reena gasp. 

"Why are you wasting it?" asked Reena as she looked at the food on the floor

 "Well, clean it." Said Anjali in a tone of authority. 

"What?!, it was you who did that so you have to do it." Said Reena angrily. 

Anjali stared Reena hard and was about to say something, but Rocky intervened. 

"Hey, Anjali why are you doing like this?"

 "Rocky, I..." started Anjali but she was cut short by Rocky.

 "Not a word, Anjali you are never doing such things again. And Reena you don't feel upset, I'll tell Gopal Anna to clean it." Said Rocky and patted Reena's back and left the place to call Gopal. 

Anjali looked at Reena in rage and said, "Only a week more then you'll go back to where you really belong to." And left the place, while Reena stared her retreating figure.

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