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"Good morning sir" chirped Reena as Adheera entered the cabin. 

He smiled at her and nodded in response. Soon both started their work. 

Reena assisted him in everything throughout the day. From bringing the files he needed to sign to his lunch, she arranged everything perfectly. 

Around three in the afternoon Reena was busy drafting a speech as Adheera had a press conference shortly.

 She glanced at Adheera through the glass that served as a partition between their cabins.

 He was on video call with his son, despite being his Secretary for almost two and half years, all she knew about his son was he lived with his maternal grandparents in the US. She had a bad impression on him as he left his father alone. 

She brushed her thoughts away and checked the speech for the final time. 

She looked at Adheera who was sitting with his hands covering his face, she stood up and walked to his room without taking her eyes off him.

 She could make it out that he was crying or sobbing at least.

 She opened the door and asked permission to enter but there was no response. She repeated the same in a bit louder tone, but there was no response. 

Reena rushed to his side and shook him but Adheera fell backward with a groan. 

She held his hand and checked the pulse, she could feel slight pulse.

 She grabbed the intercom alerting the security and called for an ambulance too. Within minutes, Adheera was ushered to the hospital and Reena rushed behind him handling all the formalities. 

Prakash Raj as Dr

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Prakash Raj as Dr. Vikram Shergill

She sat out in the chairs for the visitors praying that he should be fine. The doctor came out and looked at Reena and asked, "Are you his Secretary?"

 "Yes." Answered Reena. "I am Dr. Vikram Shergill, close friend of Adheera. 

Where is his son?" said the doctor. 

"I am sorry sir, I don't know much about his son." Said Reena.

 "How is sir? Is he okay? Is he awake? When will..." went on Reena with her questions. "Wait, wait What is your name first?" cut in Dr. Vikram.

 "Reena Desai." Said Reena. "Well Reena, Adheera has suffered his second cardiac arrest. He must be..." went on Dr. Vikram only to be interrupted by Reena. 

"What?! Second attack. Sir never told this to me." Said Reena. "Yes, he didn't say this even to his own son. As I was saying earlier, he must be kept away from all kinds of stress. Only proper rest, healthy food, gentle exercise and a happy environment can help him survive for a few more years." 

Reena broke down in tears as a person who was more like a father figure was in such a critical state. 

"Sir, how are we going to manage the business without sir. We had to go for a press conference, but I have postponed it. Soon the media will know about his condition. Our competitors are waiting to pull us down. One single mistake can destroy the Bariya Empire." Sobbed Reena. 

Dr. Vikram looked at Reena crying and felt happy that his friend had people like her around him to take care of him and worry about him. As he knew his son only thought about leading a care free life and spent his time abroad chilling.

 "I will talk to Raja his son and tell him to come back to his father. Its late now, I'll post the best male nurses to take care of Adheera. You handle the work for time being." Said Dr. Vikram.

 Reena nodded and looked at Adheera who was still unconscious with many tubes and wires attached on him. "You can go in and see him." Said Dr. Vikram looking at the way Reena was looking at Adheera. 

She went inside and sat by his side and sobbed silently. After mumbling a short prayer, Reena left the room. A nurse gave her the contact details of Dr. Vikram. 

Jai Kalra as Adhitya Arora

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Jai Kalra as Adhitya Arora

She took it and went to the office and briefed about Adheera's situation to the Adheera brother-in-law, the Chairman of Bariya group of Industries- Adithya Arora. "Okay, I'll take care of everything." Said Adithya with a sly smile. Reena felt uncomfortable and she felt sure that she cannot trust this man. She had heard gossips about him tampering the accounts. Reena went to take her scooty and rode home. Her mind was filled with Adheera, Adithya and so called son of Adheera. 

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