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The next morning Reena woke up and performed her duties as a perfect daughter-in-law.

 She took Coffee for Adheera, and she heard him shouting at someone over the phone, "I don't know Adithya, why you are holding an important position in my office if you are not able to solve even a single problem." 

Adheera massaged his temples with his other hand and continued speaking, "I have arranged for a party tonight and I have invited top shots of Bangalore, I must oversee the arrangements and Vikram has also called me for a general check-up."

 Reena heard some muffled voices from the other end and Adheera replied, "Okay, I'll come." And he cut the call. 

"Papa, is everything okay?" asked Reena. 

Adheera looked at Reena and said, "Ah, dear it's about the lorry drivers' strike, I am going to the office to handle the issue, will you oversee the arrangements for the party tonight, please." 

"Sure Papa, I will see to that and about the lorry driver's issue I have read the demands the leader of the union gave, it's quite unacceptable, if we accept that we will face a huge loss." Said Reena.

 "Yeah, then I must figure out some way to drag our company out of this mess, and I must do that ASAP." Said Adheera standing up. 

"And Papa you have your check-up with Vikram uncle nah, he told me to inform you that you must meet him early in the morning." Said Reena hoping that Adheera would not catch her lie.

 "Is that so, then I'll go there first or else I have to hear those cuss words from him for ignoring my health." Said Adheera taking his Coffee.

 Reena rushed to find Rocky who was scrolling his phone. "Good morning, Rocky." Greeted Reena. 

Rocky looked at her wished her and took his coffee. 

"You know Reena, Bangalore must develop more places for recreation, I have already visited every inch of Bangalore already and I am bored, I don't know where else to go." Complained Rocky.

 "You have not visited an important place yet." Said Reena.

 "Where?" asked Rocky surprised. 

"The Bariya office," answered Reena.

 "Office?" asked Rocky quite shocked.

 "Yes, it will be a new experience for you." Said Reena.

 Rocky thought for a moment and said, "Okay, let me try." Said Rocky and went to shower.

 Reena smiled to herself and went to the wardrobe area and picked up a classy suit. 

 Rocky came out of the shower with his bathrobe on showing an ample amount of his chest.

 Reena showed him the suit, "Look at this Rocky, this blue suit will suit you well and blue is also my favourite colour, wear this to the office." 

"Suits, I hate formals, and this looks like a school uniform, I am going to wear my jeans and if you like this dress a lot alter it and wear it." Reena felt sad as Rocky blatantly rejected her choice, after all, she was not his real wife.

Rocky went to the office and found Adithya and the leader of the lorry drivers waiting for him. 

Adithya gestured to the leader through his eyes indicating Rocky's arrival.

 "I thought the old goat would come but he has sent a new one." Said the leader chewing paan.

 Rocky scrunched his nose at the smell, took Adheera's seat and asked, "Okay, who are you and what's your problem?"

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