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Months went by and Rocky recovered well with Reena's help.

 One morning, Rocky and Reena were strolling in the garden of the Bariya mansion. 

Reena was by his side to steady him if he fell.

 Vikram and Adheera came there and watched them from a distance. 

"They are quite close now." Said Vikram. 

"Yes, time has flown. I hope they are together always." Said Adheera. 

Roeena noticed them and walked near them.

 "Hi, Uncle and Papa." Said Rocky while Reena acknowledged them with a polite smile. 

"I see you have recovered well Rocky." Said Vikram smiling.

"Yes, I feel much better now." Said Rocky. 

"Then come to the hospital today, we'll have a full body check-up and see if you are fit to work again." Said Vikram. 

"Okay." Said Rocky and he took Reena's hand and walked back to the house, while Vikram and Adheera watched their retreating figures.

 Once they reached near the stairs, Rocky lifted his leg and placed it on the first stair and cried in pain, panicking Reena.

 "Oh, Rocky what happened, I'll bring the pain relief spray, no I'll call Vikram uncle." Said Reena, but Rocky silenced her by picking her up in a bridal style. 

"You got scared, just a silly prank." Said Rocky as he carried her to their room. 

"Your pranks are just too much nowadays." Said Reena as she took her sari end and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

At the hospital,

Roeena were waiting in the VIP lounge for the test results.

 A girl dressed in a western-style sleeveless navy blue dress wearing goggles walked into the area speaking on the phone to someone. 

Rocky didn't notice the girl, but the girl looked at Rocky for a moment cut the call and came near him, "Hey, you are Rocky right?" asked the girl taking off her shades. 

Rocky looked at her for a moment and recognized her, "Hey, Anjali. Is that you?" said Rocky.

 Anjali jumped on Rocky and he picked her up and twirled her. Reena felt like standing on the hot iron plate as she saw Rocky twirling Anjali.

 He placed her down and Anjali punched Rocky's abs and asked, "Long time man, how are you?" 

"I am good, and how are you?" asked Rocky. 

"Great, I just returned from London." Said Anjali. 

Oh, and this is Reena, my wife. And this is Anjali, Vikram uncle's daughter. She did her medicine in London." Introduced Rocky. 

"Oh, you were Adheera Uncle's secretary right?" asked Anjali in a tone to that differentiated Reena from them. 

"Yes, I heard about your wedding too." Said Anjali, her voice laced with malice. 

Rocky didn't seem to notice the tension growing between the two women. 

Luckily, a nurse called Roeena. 

"Well, Anjali I have to go now. I'll see you around." Said Rocky and left with Reena. 

Anjali watched them walk away until they disappeared from her sight and walked away. Vikram checked Rocky's reports and said, "Okay, you have recovered faster than I expected. Apart from medications Reena's care and concern have helped you a lot, you can start working again."

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